
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Toys In The Attic

"fred! where are you going? since when are you claustrophobic?" ive never seen anybody run out of an attic so fast in my life. fred claims hes claustrophobic, but i bet hes just upset because he had a spider in his hair. "as long as you have been scared of heights." he told me. "how do you know about that!?" freddie couldnt know i was scared of heights! no way! how did he find out!? "the rollar coaster...remember?" "oh..." i did remember the rollar coaster.. the day at the fair in hawii was the first day i spent with freddie as his official girlfriend. i had forgotton all about that day, exspecially the rollar coaster. "uh.. yeah.." "fred?" "you say something georgouse?" i ignored him. the enviroment started getting awkward. here was fred an i, alone...getting along.. and before i knew it i felt his lips pressing against mine. he pulled away as quickly as he came "oh my gosh! im soo sorry! im really sorry!" he backed away, covering his mouth, with the look on his face like he had just seen a ghost. "sorry?" i asked, hopeing he wasnt. and with that, he ran ouf of the house. i stood in the hallway, confused and suprised. i didnt know what to do, if i should do anything at all.
What would i say to tom if he found out? would fred tell on himself? if he did, he would only be asking for trouble for himself. i did nothing wrong. i cant be blamed for this!

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