
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Pony Tale

i watched tom brush his hair from the reflection in the mirror. i was sitting on the bed, waiting for him to finish. i had then relized that i had never seen tom with his hair in a pony-tail. i tried to visualize how it would look, but kept getting nothing. for some reeason, it was hard for me to picture tom in a pony-tail. i jumped off the bed and ran over to tom. "tom! let me see the brush! i want to do your hair!" he starred at me. probly wondering what on earth has gotton into me. i took the brush from his hands and told him "sit down. your too tall." tom did as he was told. he sat on the edge of the bed. i sat behind him on my knees and ran the brush threw his long dark hair. when i started to pull back his hair he asked "what are you doing?" i ignored him and pulled out some strips of hair along his face. i pulled the rest of his hair back and wrapped a blue band around it. i brushed the pny-tail, then the small peices beside his face. "okay, im finished. turn around and let me see." he stood up and looked at me "your kidding, right?" with his hair pulled back away from his face, i could consintrate more on his face. "tom! i like it! just, look at it!" he turned around and saw his reflection in the mirror. "oh my- kayla. really?" "what? i really do like it. i can see your face better!" i pointed out. he ran his hand threw his pony-tail. "your not making me keep this in all day, are you?" he asked me. "you dont like it? i mean- why not? doesnt it feel nice to not be so paranoid about your hair?" he shrugged his shoulders "i guess." "yes... im making you keep it in." "fine!"

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