
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easy Man To Please

{ Jeff Labar }

I'm not cranky! im just...home sick. i'd rather be at home with robin than sitting here watching fred flirt with kayla. sure, its party entertainging how fred tries so hard to get kayla's attension. if she agknowleges Tom for two seconds fred pouts. i dont know what his deal is with kayla. how can he continue to have feelings towards her when she always gets him introuble? its pathetic! fred is so naive! "well i can bend over and peak under your skirt." does he not relize tom is RIGHT THERE?! i swear, if he's going to be like that, at least try to be sneaky. and thats how fred gets caught. its like he thinks tom will never find out. tom always does find out! everytime! mind as well give up. Oh great, now they are pushing eachother again. THAT gives me a headache. they will push eachother back and forth and yell "freddie! stop it!!" its the most annoying thing i have witnessed, other than cheyenne's donkey laugh. oh lord, dont even get me started on that!

Then there's tom and eric. Eric is yelling at Tom for calling cheyenne. tom thinks its funny, and eric is annoyed...

See what i have to deal with? uh.. im counting down the days until this tour ends...

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