
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mrs. American Pie

{ Jeff Labar }

(worst story ever written by me, i think! this is what happens when i want to write, but im not in the ZONE! )

I relized, during dinner at Tom's the other night, how miserable i would have been if i had persuaded cheyenne to stay with me. Watching cheyenne stab eric with a fork for calling her cat "ugly", i couldnt help but feel proud of myself for letting her go. who wants to be with a woman like that? not me. i've already been through plenty of women like that. i wouldnt say cheyenne was worse then amber, but not far off. My memories of Amber are nothing but fighting and sex. To be honest, i think that was the only thing that made me want to be with her. The band couldnt stand her, and it was only causing arguments and bruises. Nobody quite understood why i was with a girl like amber. neither did i. all i knew was that i felt like i had to be with her. like she was as good as i was gonna get. i knew if i broke up with her, there would be more on the line than just being single. i would end up in the hospital! Thinking that i had no way out of our relationship, i started to think i was in love with her. i was blind. much like i was in this cheyenne incident. Back when we were on the Night Songs tour, me and cheyenne were "together", if you want to call it that. Before the tour, i would say i only flirted with cheyenne because it was fun. it was something to do, and something we both liked. She seemed like she appreciated the compliments and the attension. and i liked knowing that she liked it. So when we started the Night Songs tour, i had no excuse not to continue. exspecailly after i developed THE GAME! the game seemed fool proof! like nothing could ever go wrong! i thought it was harmless! that is... until i started falling in love with cheyenne. much like with every other girl i have been with, the first thing to draw me in was the sex. thats what gets me "hooked", you can say. What i liked more than the sex, was trying to convince cheyenne to have sex with me more. and the thing is, i was good at getting her to do things. eventually, i got her to tell eric she wanted a devorce so she could REALLY be with me. and i had her convinced she hated eric until i relized what i was doing was "wrong". i was destroying eric! my buddie! he was a mess! and i coudlnt let that happen... so i decided to let her go. was it the best choise i ever made? right now, im thinking it was. because if i would have continued to play along, i woudlnt have ever found robin. do i still like cheyenne? i dont think so. i havnt thought about it. thinking about it now, id say NO.

See, this is what happens when you like girls out of your leauge or not in your leauge at all.

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