
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


today might be the day that tom comes home from the tour. right now, im sitting in a wooden stool looking out the window at winter wonderland. the first episode of snow in nashville this year, always a good sign of whats to come. There was a moderate snow fall, enough to cover the tree's and the ground so you could see nothing but white. the snow must have at least been two to three inches heigh to cover the grass in our lawn that hasnt been cut since tom left. i waited for the cinderella bus to show up along the horizon. the bus would pull up along the curb of the street and tom would come running through snow to see me. i could just imagine him getting out of the bus, looking at the mountain we now had as a frount yard and saying "no way jose. i dont wanna ruin my boots." i was hopeing tom would be home tonight, but i was expecting something to go wrong and he wouldnt be back for a few more days. that would be just my luck! i swear! i get all excited about things, and they never happen. like teaching puck how to say "make me a sandwitch, bitch!" i was hoping that puck could say that to tom when he gets home, but all puck could manage to say was "MMMUUUUUEEESSSI". if i cant teach a dog to talk, how am i suppost to teach a baby to walk? im a failure. not only that, but i cant even figure out how to work the fireplace! tom has always done that, and i wanted things to be all warm and cozy when he gets home, but i cant figure out how to turn that fucker on! everything is so technical now-a-days. i mean- a GAS fireplace? whatever happend to going out back, cutting some wood, throwing it into the fireplace and pouring lighter fluid on it? i think im overthinking this to much. things dont have to be PERFECT when tom gets home. i mean come on, he knows who he is married to. how could he expect anything perfect from ME? i think he will be happy that he pulls up to a HOUSE, and not some pile of ash. because... i almost DID burn the house down.. not that im gonna tell tom about it.. i noticed a gleam in the corner of my eye. headlights?! i quickly jumped off the stool i was sitting on and pressed my face against the ice cold window. it was only a snow mobile, pushing snow out of the street. dammit!! my heart just about stopped! and all for a damn truck! i could hear nails hitting the wood floor. puck put his paws on the windowsile and stuck out his tounge as he looked out the window with me. "aww puck, i dont think daddy's commin home today." i took off the bandanna from his neck and placed it on the hood of the piano. "better?" i petted his head. puck started barking and clawing at the window. "puck? what are you doing?! get down! stop that!" i pushed his paws off the window. i didnt want him scratching the glass. "down boy! what has gotton into you? now go-" thats when i saw a purple bus from the corner of my eye. "oh my god! he's here!" i left puck alone, to claw at the window. at this moment, that was the least i cared about. i closed the curtains and ran to open the door. the wind and snow rushed into the house, as diffusion showed my hair who's boss. i stood behind the door, peaking my head out, trying not to let puck out of the house. i watched as the bus came to a screetching stop. puck's barking got louder, and the wind started to get colder. i swear i couldnt feel my neck. come on tom... hurry up! get out of the damn bus! its cold! i could now hear my teeth chattering over puck's bark. the bus opened its doors. i watched closely for a sign of tom. i saw a figure walking past the darkly tinted windows of the bus. thats him! he must be getting off! i watched as the figure moved past the last window and appear walking down the metal stairs. tom! he stepped on a chunck of ice, that yesterday was a street. i closed the door, thinking that knowing tom was home was good enough. i NEEDED to get back inside, where it was warm. i watched tom slowly make his way across the yard, avoiding deep patches of snow. when he finally got to the door, he looked at me and said "we need to get one of those mats where you can wipe your feet. cuz... my boots are covered in snow." oh, how did i KNOW he was gonna say something about his boots and the snow? im telling you, i KNOW how tom is. i ran to the linnen closet and took out a towel. i folded it and placed it on the wood floor infrount of the door. "just use this." i told him. he shut the door behind him and stepped on the towel. "damn its cold out there!" he said, looking towards the fireplace. i knew what he was thinking. probly, you couldnt have at least put the fireplace on? come on! "yeah.. about that.. i couldnt figure it out.." he laughed and walked over to the stone fireplace. he flipped a switch and a fire was lit. i starred, wondering how i coudlnt figure that out. "ohh... i..i uh.. i knew that.." he laughed and gave me a hug. i only wonder how long its gonna be until he has to leave again...

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