
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Do Not Tease The Crab

I have never been inside freddie's house. I have only waited in the jaguar parked beside the curb wail tom makes quick runs inside fred's house to pick up music. But, today was the first day i was allowed to go inside his cape cod styled house. I couldnt imagine freddie living in a house quite like this one. Its definatly not a house that i would point to and say "that is definatly a freddie house! i can soo see him living there!" The deck was lined with white fencing and shrubs. The glass windows had eight panes with blue shudders. Too cute of a house to belong to fred coury, if you ask me. it seemed more like it belonged to a rich southern suburban family. like a mother wearing a flower pattern dress with her hair tucked in a bunn and flour on her apron would open the door and yell for her three children to come inside and clean up for supper. instead, fred awnsered the door. "hiya" he said. i peaked into his house, wondering how it looked on the inside. "hey fred." tom said as he walked in, pulling me along with him. the inside of the house was just as cute as the outside. the frount door led you right into the foyer. i guess you could say the house had a warm feeling. the colors were neutral and matched, something i didnt expect a single man's house to include. "freddie, i love your house! its too cute!" i told him. he smiled "thanks! actually, i just got a pet!" freddie, with a pet? something else i didnt think he would ever get. shows how much i really know freddie, eh? he gestured tom and i over "follow me, i'll show you." tom starred at him "what did you get?". freddie guided us down the hall to his bedroom. his bedroom wasnt what i would expect from him either. A king sized bed was against a wide glass window with a white mantel below it. "see! its a crab! isnt it cool! i went down to the beach yesterday, and i found him!" freddie pointed to a glass tank in the corner of the room. i pressed my face against the glass, trying to find the crab. "freddie.. are you sure the crab is in there? i dont see him.." tom put his finger to the glass and pointed to the yellow rock in the tank "no, look honey. its behind the rock. you see it?" "no! i dont see it!" fred put his face up to the tank beside mine "no, hes not on the rock! hes in his dome! look, he's sleepin like a wittle baby." i laughed. "so what did you name him?" i asked. "hermit.." "very original" tom added. "well i think its lovely." i told fred. he smiled "i thought so! you wanna feed him?" fred asked me. "what? me? how would i feed a crab? what do crabs eat?" fred reached into the cabnit that the tank was set on. "he likes these things. give him two." he held out a bag of little fish. i starred at the plastic bag in his hands "freddie.. you sure?" i dont remember crab's eating fish.. i could have swore that fish ate crabs! "yeah! the guy at the pet store told me to feed these to him. you see, hermit is a salt water crab, he eats differently then pet crabs. you know what im sayin?" i shrugged my shoulders "i guess.." "if you dont wanna touch the fish, you dont have to. tom, you wanna feed them?" before tom could awnser i said "no, no, no, no. i can do it.." i took the bag from fred's hands. "here, let me take him out of his dome." fred reached his hand into the tank and pulled the dome from above hermit. he moved it across the tank and took his hand out. "hurry, before he runs back in his dome." i opened the bag of fish. "are these dead?" i asked. tom laughed at me "of course not! you know, cuz fish can live in plastic bags with out water." i starred at tom. i didnt think it was that funny.. i shook the fish in the bag. i stuck my nose in the bag, curious about how it smelt. "oh my- gross!" fred laughed "kayla!" i quickly pulled my face as far from the bag as it could go. "gross! im just gonna get this over with!" i stuck my hand into the bag and pulled out a fish. "ewww! are they suppost to be this rough? what ever happend to being slimey and scaley?" "they are dried out, kayla." tom informed me. i hung the fish over the tank, waiting for the moment that hermit would reach the right possion. "come on hermit! lunch time! time to grub! come on hermit, be a good boi!" tom starred at fred. "you talk to your crab?" he asked fred. fred nodded his head "of course i do! no different from talking to your dog!" tom laughed "its very different!" "how?" "well.. our dog talks back. crabs cant talk. hell, they dont even make noises!" "crabs can too make noises!" fred yelled to tom. "oh really? then what sound do crabs make?" fred thought for a moment. "hmm.." he stuck out his lips and made a strange whistling sound. tom laughed "thats the noise you think crabs make?" "yes!" i dropped the fish into the tank, watching it sink to the sand. "freddie, i dont think he saw it." "oh, he'll smell it eventually." tom laughed harder "smell it!? crabs dont have noses!!" fred through up his hands "whatever! i give up!"

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