
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Car Next Door

{ Eric Brittingham }

I wasn't exactly "thrilled" to find out that Cheyenne had been receiving phone calls from a certain "criminal". i cant begin to explain the hate that i feel towards the one they call, Nikki Sixx. sure, he was a good musician who made a pretty good name for himself, but i couldn't have that as a reason to let him fool around with my girlfriend/future wife!

I swear Cheyenne thinks I'm gullible. When she says "I'm just FRIENDS with Nikki! I'm not cheating on you!" does she really expect me to believe her? because, the way i remember it, that's the same thing she told me when i was suspicious about their relationship in the beginning. and it turned out, she Was cheating on me with Nikki! so how can i believe her?

When i noticed Nikki's car parked outside our hotel room, i decided that i needed to find out what was going on, right here and right now. Cheyenne was ignorant enough to leave the blinds open. so, i snuck behind the bushes that lined the outside of the window. i peaked my eyes above the bush and watched what was happening inside. "Nikki, you know i cant. Eric would freak!" i could Hardley make out the words. "I'm not asking for much, Cheyenne." what was he asking for? oh god.. there he goes. straight to the bed! what the fuck does he think he's doing?! "Nikki...." Cheyenne wasn't going to- no! she cant! oh, if she DOES, there will be hell to pay! "I'm only here for the night. tell me now if I'm wasting my time." wasting his time with what? did he really think that he can just walk in my hotel, and get Cheyenne to- "Nikki.." come on Cheyenne! say something more! give me a reason to go in there and kick his ass! do it! or, you know what? if i really wanted to, i could just go in there and kick his ass right now. i have a good excuse.

I casually walked into the hotel, like i would any other day i got home from sound check with Cinderella. i acted shocked when i saw Nikki sitting on the edge of the bed, and Cheyenne standing next to the t.v with her arms crossed infrount of her chest. "what is he doing here?!" i yelled. Cheyenne came towards me and explained "Eric! don't get mad! he was just- we were just talking. nothing to over react about.." oh, sure! just because i only heard you talking, doesn't mean you were talking this whole time. Nikki jumped off the bed, knowing he was fucked. he backed up towards the door. "hey! where do you think your going!? get back here, fucker!" i yelled at him. I could tell he was trying to hold in a laugh. "oh! so you think this shit is funny!? how i always find you around my fucking girlfriend?! well let me tell you something asshole! you-" Cheyenne gabbed my arm and pulled me towards the kitchen. "Eric! no no no! dont!" she wasnt seriously defending him, was she? "Cheyenne! what the fuck are you doing?!" with that, Nikki opened the door and ran out. like a fucking pussy! "you let him get away!" i said wail Nikki slammed the door behind him. i saw him walk to his car from the window. "Eric! stop it! we were just talking! i swear to you, it was nothing more!" i was so confused. what could they be talking about? it sounded like they were talking about SOMETHING. or at least, from what i heard. but i couldn't let Cheyenne know i was spying on her. that would only get me introuble. this is about Cheyenne getting introuble. not me! "Cheyenne! what did i tell you about him!? i don't want you talking to that fucker! okay?" "Eric! you cant tell me who i can and cant talk to! you don't own me!" if you continue acting like this, i will never own you. I'm not going to propose if you keep doing this. "i didn't say i did own you! i just don't want you talking to Nikki!" she swallowed her words and stormed off into the only privacy we had in the hotel room, the bathroom. "Cheyenne! come on!" i yelled through the door. she ignored me. i heard running water. she must be taking a shower. "Cheyenne!" great, now she's mad at me for NOTHING. what the fuck?

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