
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Baby, I Love The Way

Today is sunday, may 22nd. my cycle was schedualed to begin on monday, may 15th. i'm just about a week late. even if i had counted wrong, my period wouldnt be this late. i have been worried and stressed all day. too nervouse to mention a word about this to tom, and to scared to take a pregnancy test. if i had been "pregnaunt" for a week, then shouldnt i be exsperiancing morning sickness, dizzyness, tenderness, mood swings, and weight gain? i dont have any of those symptoms! i cant be pregnaunt, no way! BUT, i am a week late.. i finally built up enough courage to go down to the local drug store to buy a pregnancy test, bringing cheyenne along for support. we scanned the shelves of pregnancy test. little pink boxes galore. "uhhh.. cheyenne? how am i suppost to know which one?" "uhh..." she seemed just as confused as i was. "kayla, are you SURE about this? do you really think you are pregnaunt?" i shrugged my shoulders "its the only explanation... unless im going threw metapose at 25.." "how about that one?" she pointed to a pink box with a photo of a transparent pregnaunt woman holding her bump. "why not. they all do the same thing." i picked up the box. "uh-maybe you should get a few more. sometimes they dont work. it takes a few tries..." i starred at her "how would you know?" "i've seen it in movies.." i took four more boxes off the shelf. i took a deep breath "well, i guess i'll get this over with before tom gets home." i started walking towards the check out counter. cheyenne followed "call me, okay." i nodded my head. "will do." what i wanted cheyenne to tell me kayla, darlin, dont worry about a thing! everything is gonna be okay! god works in misteriouse ways. if this were to happen it was meant to happen, god doesnt make mistakes." you know, some god bullshit that i couldnt argue with. as i layed the five boxes on the counter the lady at the register said "we have been selling alot of these latley." an odd thing to say, if you ask me. "hmm, how about that." i said. "must be baby season." cheyenne added. the lady pushed buttons on the register as she asked "which one of you is carrying the baby?" my jaw dropped open as cheyenne bursted out laughing."no no no, you dont understand." i said. cheyenne wipped the tears from her eyes. apparently this is funny enough to cry over. "see, we are not lezbians! i am married, to a man! and i think i might be pregnaunt." i explained to the lady. "im sorry mrs." cheyenne placed the boxes in a plastic bag as i payed. i heard tom walk into the house as i was waiting for the results. "shit!" i hurried to hide the three unused boxes. i quickly shuvved them behind the toilet. "kayla! you home?!" i heard tom yell. "yeah! out in a minuete!" i starred at the white stick in my hands, waiting for a simple "yes" or "no" awnser to appear on the screen. a million thoughts were running threw my mind. what should we name the baby? would it be a boy or a girl? what color would i paint the nursery? how should i tell tom? "kayla! come on! i have something to tell you!" i felt so anxiouse that i thought my heart was gonna fall out my ass! "hold, on tom!" i tried shaking the stick, hopeing it would speed up the results. i shook it harder, hopeing this wouldnt be another dud. i looked at the screen for the last time. in clear blue letters it read "NO". my heart then felt like it had stopped. like the blood in my system was drained. i didnt quite know if i felt relif, or i had just had a sudden stroke. my second negative pregnancy test in two months. i through the stick in the trash bin and walked out of the bathroom. i found tom sitting on the swing in the frount yard. i sat beside him and asked "you needed to tell me something?" "yeah, a new episode of fringe comes on tonight." i nodded my head. expecting greater news then that, i was disapointed. "what? i thought you like fringe?" "the first few episodes." i said "after that, i had everything figured out." he laughed "i know, you ruin them for me." i nodded my head again. "whats wrong?" he asked. "oh, nothing."

1 comment:

  1. I would be the one to say "must be baby season."

    I've seen it in movies...or Desperate Housewives...
