
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fierce Like Tiger

I felt bad for the poor baby. The pet store only gave me a cardboard box to keep Helo in on the ride home from the mall. I could hear Helo's meow over the radio. Poor baby must be so scared. Well i hope she knows that when i get her home, she will be the most lucky and pampered kitten ever.

I casually carried the cardboard box and plastic bags into the house. Wail trying to think of a place to hide Tom's christmas gift, i was also trying to think of how i can hide this cat until tom gets home. i shuvved the plastic bags under the bed. that spot would have to do for now. i peaked inside the box to check if Helo was okay. "hello Helo. you doing okay, baby?" her little face lifted out of the box and her big green eyes wondered around the room. "aww baby! dont be scared!" i took her out of the box and held her in my arms. "see, look. this is your new home. isnt it purty? your gonna love it here!" im one of those freaks who find it nessasary to talk to children and animals in that annoying baby voice. "you see that doggie over there? thats puck! he wont hurt you. he's a real sweetheart. here, let me introduce you." i bent down on my knees and set Helo on the floor next to puck. "see! you two are gonna be great friends!" puck, a large golden retriever towered over Helo. He looked down at Helo then back to me. probly thinking "whats this guy doin here? this is MY house! back off, man!" Helo, lookin cute and fluffy just starred at puck. i heard the frount door open and close. "oh! Helo, come on! i gotta hide you from tom!" i picked up helo and put her back into the cardboard box. i placed the box in the bedroom closet. after i shut the door tom walked into the room. "hey kayla, what are you doin?" "i.. uh.. i just got home. you?" he ignored my question "where did you go?" he petted pucks head as he walked past. "i was christmas shopping with cheyenne, i told you." he nodded his head "right.. well, how was that?" "i sat on santa's lap.. he gave me a candy cane." tom laughed "what? your kidding.." no, i was serious. "no! me and cheyenne even got video.." "na- uh! let me see!" i handed tom my phone. "look for yourself." i heard myself speak on video "i want an easybake oven, light bright, a dollie, and a unicorn." tom laughed. then i heard cheyenne "i want a ring from my boyfriend, a new leather jacket-" tom stopped the video. "she wants a ring!?" i could hear Helo meowing from the closet. so, i spoke louder "yeah!" tom starred at me "like- a wedding ring?" i shrugged my shoulders "maybe.. i dont know. i wasnt listening. i was to destracted by shiney things. you see, we were in a jewlery store." he nodded his head. i couldnt have things get quiet, i had a meowing kitten in the closet that i didnt want to explain to tom yet. "SOOOO, what did you do today, mr.?" "i was with jeff and robin." "doin what?" i asked. "just talkin and stuff. i dont know." ah what the hell, mind as well. "tom, can i tell you something. promise not to get mad.." he looked at me, probly expecting the worst. "yeah?" i opened the closet and took out the box. i set it on the bed and turned back to tom. "now, before i open this box, i wanna say.. it was a last minuete desision. but remember, im going to be the one taking care of it anyway, so i dont see a problem with this." "kayla.. whats in the box?" i reached into the box and held Helo in my arms. "her name is Helo. i found her at the pet store in the mall! you see- i warned cheyenne! i told her if i went in there i wouldnt be able to controll myself and i WOULD walk out of the store with an animal. well.. i did. and so did she." i held out helo, wanting tom to hold her. but he didnt reach for her. "tom.. you okay? its just a kitten! come on! not like i brought home a fuckin orphan!" if there was an orphan store in the mall, you bet i would bring home an orphan! just sayin... "kayla, you bought a cat?! why? we have a dog! dogs dont like cats!" "no, no. puck likes her! i already introduced them! they get along! pleaseeeee tommy! can we keep her! look at her wittle face! she's a real sweet heart!" i gave tom the most innocent pouty face that was possiable for me to give. "kayla, cats claw at things! we have wood floors! it will scratch the floor-" before i could finish i interupted with "tom! all we have to do is get a post, a litter box, and some toys. cats bathe themselves, which means you wouldnt have to give her a bath. we dont have to worry about taking her outside everyday for a potty break. i mean- dogs are worse! cats you dont have to do anything. just give them food, water and a litterbox and they are good!" he thought for a few moments. "pweeasse! look at her! i already named her! you cant have me take her back now.. i already love her." "fine!" he said. "awww thank you! Helo says thank you too!" i put Helo in tom's hands. "now give her a kiss." i told him. he kissed the top of her head "see, there you go! you love her!" he laughed and put her down "yeah, yeah."

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