Saturday, April 30, 2011
Dream Warriors
It seemed to me that the Native Americans were onto something. i thought it was a brilliant idea. to bad reality doesn't work that way. if only my horrid dreams would disappear through contact with Sinew thread. imagine all the admirable fantasy's that i would be obtaining. No more nightmares about the zombie Apocalypse. no more nightmares about French and German dictators arguing over how to kill innocent people in the kiwnbka tribe in Africa.
I really do hope the Native Americans were right about this contraption. if not, i wasted twenty bucks...
Spring Fever
In those 7 months we spent in Hawaii, i never thought it would end. As summer starts to approach again, i wonder if we will ever go back?
Friday, April 29, 2011
Once Around The Ride
Tom slept 'til noon, sometimes 2:00 at the latest. i was always up around 9:00 in the morning. by the time i was finished taking a shower, crimp and teasing my hair, get dressed and putting on my makeup-up, tom was getting up.
At 6:00 Tom and I headed down to the club that he would be playing at. he expected me to attend every show. i went, even though the club wasn't "my scene". most nights, i stood next to the emergency exit smoking a cigarette, looking miserable enough for no one to want to talk to me. i was only there for Tom, i didn't need to be social. After the show, i would meet tom backstage where he would already be drinking with the guys. Tom wasn't the type of man to get drunk. he'll drink when its offered, but not over do himself. when he did get drunk, he wasn't violent. Tom was just civil, to say the least. Wail Tom was having his fun, i would chat with Cheyenne, Eric's new girlfriend. which, i always regretted because she would end up in tears or yelling at Eric. i didn't speak at all when amber was there. she scared me enough to not want to find out what would happen if i was to be on her bad side. I hated it when Tom would yell at her. it was rude! no matter how much she deserved it..
At about midnight tom was crawling into bed. i had fallen asleep in the Taxi and didn't even make it to the bed that me and Tom shared. I'd wake up the next morning on the couch, and start the day just as it was before.
I've been living with Tom for three weeks and I'm already bored. damn it Linda, i fucking hate you!
Maybe it was too soon to be living with tom. maybe living with him now will help me understand what I'm getting myself into..
Thursday, April 28, 2011
1 Fish 2 Fish
I wondered around they hallways of the hotel. it must have been past 2:00 in the morning. so far, I'm lucky no one has seen me. being spotted in little blue track shorts and a superman t-shirt with half my hair in a sloppy ponytail would be embarrassing.
It seemed like walking and "clearing my mind" wasn't helping. it only made me bored. so, i started thinking to myself..
Maybe i am a bitch. i mean- why let my problems ruin Cheyenne's wedding? i yelled at tom on Monday because he was being a bit too crabby and pissing me off. I've been going to Fred for the attention i want from tom. which, is wrong! its probably giving Fred ideas!
Jeans That Fit Just Right
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sunshine And Daisies
i cant believe cheyenne and eric are getting married. im happy for them, no doubt. cheyenne will finally stop complaining about how eric wont propose to her. but, i cant help but think "what if their marriage is going to be better than mine and toms?" its possiable.. right? maybe marriage is what they needed.. maybe they fought all the time because they have been together for so long, but arnt really "commited" to the extent of marriage, so they kinda treat it like- oh fuck, forget it. i just cant stand the sight of seeing cheyenne finally happier than me. im always happier than cheyenne. cheyenne is always sunk into a muddy ditch! always down in the dumps, feeling sorry for herself or others. IM suppost to be the happy one! not her! but here i am, laying in bed with tom, wide awake thinking about THIS..
I cant say i've been "happy" latley, for a few reasons. yeah, i got what i wanted, im back on tour with cinderella, big woop. i wanted to be on this tour so i could spend more time with tom. the only thing worse than sitting on a bus with your husband who is more interested in joking around with his friends and sleep than paying attension to you, is sitting at home alone watching family ties wail petting your dog and eating brownies. thats low..
I think tom has been doing a pretty decent job with managing his time between me and everything else, so far. but, the first night we spent on this tour, he was harrassing eric and cheyenne. which, i wanted no part of. so, i hung out with freddie. fred's always been sweet towards me. you know, other than the occational reminder "your married to tom!" which always pisses me off. but, he's a great friend.
What really struck me as odd, was the next morning, when Tom was being Pretty Pissy and cranky. i couldnt quite put my finger on what was making him so angry with me. so, i went to the beach with freddie. eventually, when i got back, tom decided to tell me what the problem was. apparently tom is jealouse of all the time i have been spending with fred. it was CUTE! i felt bad for thinking about kissing freddie on the beach. even though i didn't..
A thing that i havnt relized, when did me and tom stop being kinky? when we first started out, everything we did was kinky, then sometime after that, it went from smothering strawberry syrup all over tom's chest to "lets skip the foreplay, eh?". then, that night, tom started changing things up. i had forgotton about all the crazy things we use to do.. thank god for tom.
then, i get the news that eric proposed to cheyenne.. great.. the only thing cheyenne could do is go ON AND ON AND ON about it! it was understandable at first, i mean- shes excited! and i was excited for her. but after 2o minuetes of constant blabbing, it got annoying. yes, cheyenne. i have heard you tell the story about how he proposed a million times. i really wouldnt like to hear it again. then! get this- she called me a bitch! can you believe that?! sorry cheyenne, but i dont think you relize how fucking annoying you are being! exspecially when you tried to tell me your engagment ring was better than mine! you do NOT diss my ring and get away with it. it meant alot to me.. just because your happy, doesnt mean you should put me down. after that, i coudlnt stand to listen to her and eric talk about the wedding.
Just A Little Bit Of Chicken Fried...
Easy Man To Please
Love Bites
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Red Light, Green Light, TNT
Monday, April 25, 2011
Spot Of Tea?
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
Team Earth!
Toys In The Attic
What would i say to tom if he found out? would fred tell on himself? if he did, he would only be asking for trouble for himself. i did nothing wrong. i cant be blamed for this!
If You Dont Like It...
Stop And Stare
Wail everyone else was at lunch, fred and i stayed behind. "fred, pass me the bucket." i asked him. he ignored me. i watched as he stroked the windows with a soapy dripping sponge. "yo fredd!" i said louder, trying to get his attension. "hmm?" he finally looked at me. "whats your problem?" i had a feeling that him ignoring me was much more than hearing loss. fred must have been upset with me over something. "what are you talking about?" he asked, pretending like he thought he had me fooled. "fred, come on. what did i do this time?" i dropped the sponge on the ground, trying to signal to fred that i wouldnt wash and inch more of this bus until he told me what his problem was. he laughed. "kayla, come on! i wanna get this done with! please, pick it up." he begged. i crossed my arms infrount of my chest. there was no way i was giving in. even if i have to stand outside in this ridiculouse heat. fred laughed again. "kayla! damn it!" like this was a joke to him. "come on, freddie." i said. "look.. if i tell you, you have to promise not to be mad. or tell tom..." that made me think... do i really want to hear this? was it gonna be worth it? i mean- if i have to promise to not be upset and not to tell tom, what kind of a secret would this be? "sure." i said. he didnt look at me as he said "about that kiss... i left be- well, you see i- wait, no! damnit!" poor freddie didnt know where to start. "what about the kiss?" i asked, trying to get him back on track. "im sorry, again!" really? thats all he could say? "are you mad at me, or something? because your not speaking to me.." i asked. "no, im not mad at you. im just- i feel bad..and its awkward.." i have never really understood how fred could feel awkward around me. its not like we've never kissed before! "well, i dont feel awkward." i pointed out, thinking it would make him feel better. "how could you say that? kayla, you- your with tom. your MARRIED to tom! then, we kiss! thats not acceptable." oh, he is seriously trying to blame this one me!? "fred! you kissed me!" i yelled, a little to loud. "well, you didnt push me away!" i could never push freddie away. not in a million years. was that the problem? "well, you should learn to controll yourself." i had stopped yelling. fred laughed "me?! i loose controll!? what about the whole ordeal on the last tour!? hmm!?" what fred was refuring to, was when i got a little carried away at ray's aniversary party. after playing romeo and juliet on the balcony, i pretty much seduced fred in the back lounge. i started yelling again "oh! dont even!" i didnt want to hear him talk shit about ME! when i didnt do anything wrong, recently... "see! its not only me that looses controll! your just as bad!" he yelled back. this isnt fair! why cant tom and fred learn to share? "whatever!" i yelled. i had enough. i didnt see a point in continueing to argue with fred. it would be going nowhere.
The bus never got washed that day. i had stormed off into my house, and fred hung out in the bus. how could an argument with fred leave me with the thought of devorce?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The Car Next Door
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Mrs. American Pie
(worst story ever written by me, i think! this is what happens when i want to write, but im not in the ZONE! )
I relized, during dinner at Tom's the other night, how miserable i would have been if i had persuaded cheyenne to stay with me. Watching cheyenne stab eric with a fork for calling her cat "ugly", i couldnt help but feel proud of myself for letting her go. who wants to be with a woman like that? not me. i've already been through plenty of women like that. i wouldnt say cheyenne was worse then amber, but not far off. My memories of Amber are nothing but fighting and sex. To be honest, i think that was the only thing that made me want to be with her. The band couldnt stand her, and it was only causing arguments and bruises. Nobody quite understood why i was with a girl like amber. neither did i. all i knew was that i felt like i had to be with her. like she was as good as i was gonna get. i knew if i broke up with her, there would be more on the line than just being single. i would end up in the hospital! Thinking that i had no way out of our relationship, i started to think i was in love with her. i was blind. much like i was in this cheyenne incident. Back when we were on the Night Songs tour, me and cheyenne were "together", if you want to call it that. Before the tour, i would say i only flirted with cheyenne because it was fun. it was something to do, and something we both liked. She seemed like she appreciated the compliments and the attension. and i liked knowing that she liked it. So when we started the Night Songs tour, i had no excuse not to continue. exspecailly after i developed THE GAME! the game seemed fool proof! like nothing could ever go wrong! i thought it was harmless! that is... until i started falling in love with cheyenne. much like with every other girl i have been with, the first thing to draw me in was the sex. thats what gets me "hooked", you can say. What i liked more than the sex, was trying to convince cheyenne to have sex with me more. and the thing is, i was good at getting her to do things. eventually, i got her to tell eric she wanted a devorce so she could REALLY be with me. and i had her convinced she hated eric until i relized what i was doing was "wrong". i was destroying eric! my buddie! he was a mess! and i coudlnt let that happen... so i decided to let her go. was it the best choise i ever made? right now, im thinking it was. because if i would have continued to play along, i woudlnt have ever found robin. do i still like cheyenne? i dont think so. i havnt thought about it. thinking about it now, id say NO.
Waiting On The World To Change...
I dont know if he was saying these deleterious things because he was jealouse of my relationship with tom, or because he hated me. i can never tell with fred. there are times when i get an impression of affection from him, but then he will abruptly say something to prove otherwise.
I would be lying to myself if i said i dont wait for fred to grow up and tell me how he feels towards me, weather its a feeling of fondness or hatred. i feel like i need to know.
At this moment, i hate myself for admitting this, but i can honestly say, with the way things have been going between me and tom latley, i would give fred another chance. That is, if he would want to..
Friday, April 22, 2011
Love Is A Social Disease
The phone rang. i jumped up from the couch and ran across the room to pick up the phone. "hello?" i said. "hey Kayla." "tom!" i have been waiting all week for tom to call me. "where have you been? i haven't heard from you in over a week. did i do something wrong?" he laughed "of course not. i told you the band was busy." "oh.." crazy girlfriend much? "we had to fly down to Tennessee. there is this recording studio down there. and.. the band was talking about moving to Nashville to be closer to the studio." i should have known something like this would tear us apart. "oh.. well.. uh.. that's great?" i wasn't necessarily good at pretending to be happy for him. i knew if he moved to Nashville, i wouldn't be going with him. bye bye tom. there is no way i can have a long distance relationship! i really care for tom, and i hope he feels the same way as i do. but we have only been together for a month. we couldn't move in together, no way. i wouldn't expect him to ask me. "well, we are going back on Sunday for a few days, i wanna see you before then, okay?" to tell me goodbye.. i bet. "sure.." "ill call you later. buh bye." i placed the phone back on the receiver. so much for tom...
Pants On Fire
1 For You, 2 For Me...
i remember when the guy's thought it would be funny to get me and Cheyenne in a drinking contest. it didn't matter who drank the most, or who got drunk the fastest, only that we were drunk. i don't remember where Cheyenne necessarily ended up, but i was on the beach with tom and Fred exchanging spit. then the next morning i got a visit from Fred. he told me that he had feelings towards me. which, you guessed it, created problems.
this last time, i ended up giving tom a blow job in the middle of a street in times square at MTV's new years party. I'm pretty sure we continued at the hotel, but who knows. i remember waking up the next morning, my face was in pain, i had bruises on my arms and scratches on my back. the street really tore up my body.
so as you see, i obviously have no point other than i hardly ever get drunk off my ass. tom, on the other hand, likes his booze. i can count three times from the top of my head that his drinking has caused us problems.
Zombie's And Cacti
Zombie's And Pixydust
Thursday, April 21, 2011
"awww Freddie! have you been working out? look at your arms! your soooo strong!" Kayla made sure to say loud enough for me to hear. i watched as she wrapped her hands around Fred's bicep. Fred, of course, was eating-up all of this attention from my wife. what ever happened to my attention? just ten minuets ago she was petting my head and telling ME how pretty she thought my hair was. damn you Fred! i want the attention back! "oh, come on! there is no way Fred is THAT strong!" i said, hopeing Kayla would gear her attention back towards me. instead, she ignored my comment. "how much can you bench press, Freddie?" she asked Fred. i rolled my eyes. this is ridiculous. why should i have to compete with Fred for my wife's attention? "oh, hmm. about 140 pounds." "that's how much i weigh!" what a lie. Fred doesn't bench press shit! all he does is lift thirty pound weights up and down for thirty minuets daily. me, being ignorant, suggested "i challenge Fred to an arm wrestling match! right here and right now."
only after Fred accepted was when i started thinking of the consequences. if Fred were to win, and i were to loose, i would be embarrassed in frount of Kayla. i cant have that. this was for all the marbles. all the bragging rights, all the attention, everything! if i could beat Fred, then i could rub this in his face forever and Kayla would think i was stronger.
we sat at the dinning room table with our hands tightly packed together. Kayla stood behind me, watching mine and Fred's hands. "on the count of two, okay?" Kayla said. i nodded my head. she started counting "1..." Fred seemed bored, as if he really believed this wouldn't be a challenge. I'm not going to give up that easy. I'll tell you that much. "2! go!" i pushed on Fred's hand, as he pushed back. instantly, my hand was approaching the wooden table. Fred laughed, knowing he was right. i pushed harder, practicably breaking a sweat. "just give up tom" Fred told me, as if it was an option. "you first!" Kayla shook her head, knowing Fred wasn't even trying to bring down my hand. damn! "come on Fred, try!" i knew if he tried, my hand would be slammed against the table and i would cry in defeat. Fred smiled, thinking about weather or not he should bring me down or act like i had won. i felt his grip decrease and before i knew it his hand was on the table. "oop, looks like you win tom. congrats'." i sat, dumbfounded. did Fred really just let me win? fred had his chance to embarrass me in frount of Kayla, and he let it go. "look at that!" Kayla said, patting me on the back. "you won honey. i guess Fred isn't 'THAT STRONG', is he?". Fred got up from his seat and said "i guess not. big ol' tom broke my wittle arm." really Fred? your such an ass.. you loose and you STILL get attention from Kayla... what the fuck?!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Do Not Trade With Anyone, At All
If I Was A Chick...
Rockin' Robin
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Fierce Like Tiger

Do Not Tease The Crab

Monday, April 18, 2011
Bark At The Moon
Sunday, April 17, 2011