
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


{ Jeff Labar }

It wasn't until i saw the way Tom acted when he came to the house to pick up some things, that i realized what i had been apart of. I felt awkward sitting on his couch in his beach house with his wife sitting on Fred's lap wail Tom stuffs a suitcase with clothes.

When Kayla said "Tom is on his way, he should be here any moment." a nervous bug crawled into my skin. Knowing Tom, he would walk in, see Fred, and throw him against the wall threatening him to stay away from Kayla like he has done in the past. Instead, he walked in, saw Fred, packed his things, said goodbye to me, flipped off Kayla, and left. Tom surprised me, what can i say.

Fred was proud of himself for succeeding in sabotaging Tom and Kayla's marriage. Fred got what he wanted, right? The ultimate prize was Kayla. If i was Fred, i wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that i ruined my best friends marriage and seeing my girlfriend depressed and miserable. How can Fred enjoy his time with Kayla if she is still upset over Tom. Fred doesn't realize that it is going to take plenty of time for her to heal and move on. Sure, i guess you can say she has moved on-being with Fred and all. But truly, Kayla hasn't let Tom go. And how can you expect her to? Kayla has been with Tom for almost five years. Their anniversary is in November. Kayla probably isn't thinking about this right now, but when it comes time to sign those divorce papers, she has to settle things with Tom in court. Fred has to be there, do you think he is going to enjoy that? Fred didn't think of a lot of things when he cooked-up this plan. I know Tom, and i don't think he would let Fred win like this. I understand that Tom is upset, but it wouldn't be right if he let Fred get away with this.

I was a bad person to get involved in this, i know that. And if Tom is truly going to divorce Kayla over this, that's when i am going to step in. I'll let Fred have his fun with Kayla for right now, he deserves it, doesn't he? But Tom and Kayla are meant to be. If Fred gets in the way of that, i am going to tell Tom about Fred's plan. There is a chance that Tom could ignore the fact that Fred sabotaged his marriage and sign the divorce papers to get it over with and move on. But there is also the chance that he will confront Fred in front of Kayla. Kayla doesn't know about Fred's plan either, and I'm sure when she finds out about it, Fred isn't going to stand a chance.

Tom has probably already spoken to Eric. Telling him all about the situation. It's funny how everyone thought Kayla and Tom were going to be the couple to make it through, when actually Eric and Cheyenne have been doing a pretty good job considering their wedding was a disaster. What are they going to do now? If Tom and Kayla couldn't make it, whats the chances of them making it? And that is what is going to ruin it for them. Cheyenne is superstitious, and there is no way that she is going to marry Eric after finding this out. Fred didn't only ruin one marriage, he ruined two.

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