
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

'Cuz There Ain't No Breeze that Cools the Heat of Love

F= fred
K= kayla

F: Hiya toots!
K: hello freddie
F: how are youuuu and what are youuu doing?
K: haha i'm pretty good, just went shopping. bought me some summer clothes.
F: good for you! now its time for you to ask me how i'm doohan.
K: hahaha how are you doing freddie?
F: im doohan okay. went shopping with Eric, and he got attacked by a bird. thats what i call karma!
K: HAHAHA thats funny! only eric.. kinda funny how we both went shopping, tho :)
F: we have SO much in common!
K: haha we do! we just need to go shopping together!
F: and you can buy me things!!
K: haha maybe, if im allowed to. i need to get you a cowboy hat..
F: a black one please
K: aww for real? i'll definatly get you a cowboy hat! :D but we will have to wait til i see you tho. i need to pick it out, to make sure it looks good on you.
F: please gir, i look good in anythang.
K: haha sooo i should be tehre in 2 days :)
F: OH YES! I'M EXCITED! you gonna bring me a present?
K:: i dunno
F: i hate you :(
K: wow! what can you possiably want from me??
F: a black cowboy hat pwease
K: fine.. whateva the baby wants
K: haha okay freddie. but i may not be able to give it to you for a few months.
F: why is that?
K: me and tommy are going to hawii alone for awhile
F:....... your what??
K: going to hawii.. didn't tom tell you?
F: no... why are you doing this to me?
K: what do you mean?
F: leaving me!
K: you will be fine, freddie! i promise! i'll only be in hawii for like.. three months max.
F:.... i have to go
K: what? why? you can't go!
F: bye!
K: what? fred, no!

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