
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Man Behind the Mask

{ Jeff Labar }

The first thing I wanted to do in Hawaii, before Fred dragged me to Tom's house to sabotage his marriage, was to get a drink. lord knows that i was gonna need a few to get through tonight.

I sat the bar with Fred. Fred constantly nagged at me to hurry my drink. "Jeff, you need to hurry the fuck up. I can't carry these underwear in my pocket all day!" You would think by now, i have developed a tolerance to Fred's childish games. "What do you think you are going to do?" I asked him. "I am going to put this under her bed. She will find it, think Tom cheated on her, and she will leave him. simple as that." He said, taking a drink of his Dr. Pepper. "Who looks under their bed on a daily basis? I don't think she is going to find the underwear." "no, no. listen, they are going to be peaking out a bit, enough for her to see them." Fred thinks he is so clever. "what will you do if that doesn't work? you know Kayla forgives Tom for everything. What if he talks her out of it?" Even i knew that Fred's plan was not going to work. "I already thought of that. I will get Nadia to call the house and leave Tom a message. but, Kayla will hear it and that is MORE proof that he cheated!" Fred has gone crazy.. "I still can't believe you are doing this to Tom. you two have been friends since before he even met Kayla." i didn't understand Fred. who would go through this much trouble for a chick? I could understand if he was going for Heather Locklear, but Kayla? Kayla isn't worth this. "so where does Tom fit in with this plan? what about him? have you even thought about that? you can't just leave him in the dust. He WILL kick you out of the band if he finds out about this, or the fact that your moving up on his wife." Fred moved his hair out of his face, taking a deep breath before saying, "you will see, Jeff. i have this whole thing planned out." I wonder how long it took Fred to cook up a plan like this. I can see fred, sitting in his house at a wooden desk drafting a plan on paper under a small lamp. Who knew Fred could be so conniving? "What about Nadia, i thought she was your girlfriend?" i asked him. "She was only part of the plan." "what did she do?" Fred is trading in a french model for Kayla? I swear that boy is nuts. "She made Kayla jealous, didn't she? so, her job checked out." I knew that getting involved in this was wrong. Tom is my friend. How could i help Fred sabotage his marriage? Because Fred is my friend to, and in a strange way, i can understand where he is coming from. I would with out a doubt go through all of this to be with Robin. I guess Kayla is to Fred what Robin is to me. But, Kayla is also to Tom what she is to Fred that Robin is to me. you understand? I finished the last drops of my beer, and ordered another. "So what will happen when Tom eventually finds out that you are with Kayla?" When Kayla is past her depression, done crying and feeling sorry for herself, she is going to want to move on with her life. And who is going to be there? Fred. I bet Tom has already thought of this, to. "What can he do? in the end, it's Kayla's decision." He said. I guess there is some truth behind that statement. But, i am sure that Tom is going to find a way to make Fred pay for it.

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