
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Every Rose has it's Thorn

{ Jeff Labar }

Laying in dirt, crouched behind a bush in front of Tom's beach house was not the way i wanted to spend my time off. i would rather be in Nashville, laying by the pool with Robin. When Fred asked me to join him Hawii, i didn't think we would be spying on Kayla and Tom. I dont know what Fred's problem is. Why fly all the way to Hawii, waste your vacation days at home, and spy on a married couple? Fred Deny's his feelings towards Kayla. but, i was the one he talked to when they ran into trouble in the past. Fred thinks i'm stupid. but, the truth is, i know just about everything. what i understand so far is, Fred is jealous of Tom, for obvious reasons. Fred believes that wail in Hawii, Tom and Kayla may reconnect, destroying his chances of taking her away. I'm waiting for Fred to come up with a plan to sabotage their marriage.

"Do you see that?!" Fred shouted. "shhh!!" if Fred were to blow our cover, Tom would never forgive me for taking part in this. "can you believe that?!" He whispered. "See what?! you're the one with the binoculars!" Fred took the binoculars away from his eyes. "right.... here!" he handed me the binoculars. i lifted them to my eyes and peaked through the window. "so? they are only watching a movie." oh my god, fred is freaking out over nothing. "watching a movie!? look at his hand! look where it is!" without looking, i handed the binoculars back to Fred. "This is ridiculous." I told him. "ridiculous?" "yes! this is fucking ridiculous! this is so fuckin' pathe-" he tackled me, covering my mouth his his hand. "shh!" i clutched my teeth, the only way i could let out the pain from the thorns of the rose bush Fred had pushed me into. "this is NOT ridiculous! this is... it's uh.. a game! we are pretending to be secret agent ninja spies! Tom is evil Dr. Quifer. He has kidnapped Kayla! we have to save her, before it's to late!" Fred can't be serious.. you know, i don't even understand how he can think Kayla wants him. what would Kayla want with a guy like Fred? I smacked Fred's hand away from my mouth, and crawled out of the rose bush. Fred helped wipe the dirt off my clothes. "fred, i don't understand you." i told him. He patted my back, hard enough for the dirt to roll of my shirt. "what is there to understand?" "what is your deal? why come here?" i shook my hair out, pulling leaves out of my bangs. Fred started walking away from the house. I followed "come on fred, you can tell me. you tell me everything." He ignored me. "fred?" with that, he started to walk faster. i let him get away. it's still early in "the game". I'll figure this mystery out sooner or later..

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