
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Shakespearean Players

{ Fred Coury }

" At this point in our career's, we checked into hotels under pseudonyms. if you used your real name, you'd have a tribute band delivering your room service or a girl larger than a grizzly bear trying to climb through your window. mentioning the name Cinderella brought nothing but pain and penicillin.

So, we checked in under names like the Shakespearean players, upchuck and the hurlers, or, my favorite, six legs and four balls. we'd arrive at the holiday inn and they'd say "welcome, Shakespearean players!" we would say stuff like "thank thee, sire." and "will thou showest us-eth to our roometh?" (try saying that with crackers in your mouth.) it was out there, but you know, at four in the morning, anything goes. "

There has been quite a few times when I'd convince Kayla to hang out in my room. Kayla was never comfortable with telling tom "I'm going to Cheyenne's room for a movie. I'll be back before morning." it was a lie that i cooked-up to cover my ass. in the hotel room, Kayla and i would lay on my bed, listening to aerosmith records.

I hated our cruel game of cat and mouse. Kayla teased me to no end. "you want it? you can't have it!" i wanted to be with her more than anything. i tried so hard to get her attention, only to end up with egg on my face.

"she was a city girl, with no responsibility. a pretty little city girl, all fired up and what that girl could do to me.."

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