
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Steak Night

{ Eric Brittingham, 86 }

Steak night at Tom's house was the one night of the month where i was fed something high in protein and eatable. i love cheyenne, but she can't cook to save her life. usually, we order Chinese, occasionaly pizza.

Steak night was one night a month where everyone would come to Tom's house for steaks, potatoes beer and "fun". Steak night was created by Kayla to encourage the band to relax and hang out with out the stress of work. it was meant for members of cinderella only. Fred shouldn't have invited Nikki.

"Hey guys, this is my friend Nikki Sixx. Nikki is going to join us, okay?" Fred told us, walking in late. Tom starred at Nikki in silence. If i was Tom, i wouldn't allow a hood-rat like him in my house. "Nice to meet you Nikki. can i get you anything?" kayla asked in her fake polite voice. "Sit over here." Fred told Nikki. Tom leaned towards me and whispered "What is he doing here?" how was i supposed to know? "He is obviously Fred's friend." everyone seemed to feel awkward once Nikki sat at the dinner table. A guy like him didn't belong here. I watched as Nikki tore his steak apart without a knife. "So, Nikki.. how is it goin'?" Jeff awkwardly asked. Nikki looked to Cheyenne. "You must be Cheyenne." He said. Cheyenne looked at me, her eyes saying "I swear, i have never spoken to this man in my life." Fred quickly said "i was telling Nikki about everyone before we arrived so he had an idea who was who." Nikki laughed "right.. that's exactly what happened." something fishy was defiantly going on. "i uh, dont think i should be her, actually." Nikki dropped his fork onto the plate. "umm.. thanks for having me here though. the food was great-bye." with that, he got up and left. Tom glanced over to Fred "what the fuck was that about?" Fred shrugged his shoulders " i was trying to be nice." "well, next time, dont!" Tom told him.

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