
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

True Love Wont Desert You

I was lounging on the couch, looking at my nails, thinking that a darker shade of red might have brought out my tan more. "Baaabee!" Tom said before kissing me. "yeah?" i asked him. "How you doohan?" He asked. i laughed at his Wendy Williams impersonation. "I'm doing just fine, Tommy." "hmm, are you sure?" Tom asked me, wail positioning himself across my lap. "I'm positive." I ran my fingers through Tom's hair. pushing his bangs out of his eyes. "that's good honey." he said, closing his eyes. "what's wrong baby?" i asked him. "nothing! as long as your happy, I'm happy." i nodded my head "are you sure?" Tom usually takes convincing to get anything out. "of course Kay!" he said. "good.."
My relationship with Tom could not be any better at this point. We have been living together in his apartment for nearly a month with no problems of any sorts. I could honestly say that the time that i have spent with Tom has been the best I've spent with any man.
"I looooooooooooove youuuu peaches!" He said to me. I laughed. "peaches? that's cute! i love you too!" peaches? that was a new name that i could get use to. "isn't it? good! what do you wanna do today, peaches?" Tom asked me. "Whatever you wanna do, Tommy." I said, being the best girlfriend i could be. "You wanna come with me to band practice?" Band practice? I am more than okay with the guys in the band, but as for their girlfriends- I'm not to keen on them.. "only if Amber isn't there... you know how she scares me." I told Tom. I can handle Cheyenne, at times. But, Amber is beyond what i can deal with. Tom spends more time yelling at Amber during a practice than he spends playing. Sure, Amber can dish it out, but she can't take it. She can say whatever she wants about anybody, but as soon as they turn around and say something back, she gets pissy. "If she's there, I'll make Jeff kick her out, okay peaches?" "otay.." i said, not quietly enough for tom to miss "aww you're too cute Hun!" "not as cute as you, Tommy." I can admit, Tommy and I can be extremely cheesy when we want to be. It's actually quite embarrassing when Eric or Fred over hear us talking.. "aww i love you.." "i love you too!" For a lead singer in a heavy metal band, Tom is as passionate, sensitive and gentle as fabio. "good! c'mon, let's get going." Tom said, getting off my lap. "do you HAVE to go to practice? i like sitting here with you..." I was definitely enjoying this time with Tom. A nice, relaxing day with Tom would make things even better. "we can... cancel it..." "aww, really? thata' be great!" i said, giving Tom a kiss. "do you just wanna hang around with me today?" Tom asked. "mmhmm" "aww i feel special Hun!" "your special to me!" "and your special to me! so, what do you think of us- living on a beach somewhere?" A random question, i thought. What does living on a beach have to do with anything? "are we moving babe?" It would be nice to own a house on a beach with Tom. "no... I don't have the money for that." Then why would Tom bring it up? "so what's this about living on a beach?" "A fantasy" He told me. "your fantasy is living on a beach with me?" How sweet is that! Tom's fantasy could have been making millions of dollars making music and getting the keys to the playboy mansion- a fantasy that every man has- but, he would rather live with me on a beach, with the money he makes making music.. "yeah... but in a HUGE house!" Tom was getting excited just thinking about it. "the two of us would need a HUGE house?" i asked, hinting at maybe having kids in the future. "yeah! just because we could afford it..." He didn't get the hint.. "one day, Tommy.." I have all the faith in the world for Tom to make it big in the music industry. I swear, I'm his biggest fan. "i swear! you have my word, baby!" He promised me. "We don't need those types of things to be happy..." I told him. "of course not! look where we are now." He said, looking around our crappy apartment that we could hardly afford. "it's home to me..." i said, hoping to make him feel better. "aww!" He kissed me. "We wont be here much longer, Tommy. i know it." I told him. "I hope so, i really do.." He said, looking quite glum. "your music is genius! i have faith in you. your gonna do great!" i said, giving him a comforting hug. "What would I do with out you Kay?" He said, not letting go of me. "what you did before you met me." "not much.." I remembered the first night I spent in Tom's apartment. His neighbor was pounding on the wall and yelling "keep it down in there! I'm trying to sleep!" Tom wanted me to scream as loud as i could just to annoy his neighbor, who apparently "always does that! every time i bring a girl over he yells." That really turned me off, i gotta say. "from how your neighbor sounds, you did quite a bit." i said to him. "well- i mean, that wasn't, it was... a hobby?" Tom tried saving his butt. "Sure it was." i said, not wanting an explanation. "you know what i mean! it was to pass the time! until i met you..." okay, now i wanted an explanation from Tom. "explain to me," i said, moving closer to tom to get his full attention. "why did you give me your number? i didn't know WHAT on earth i was saying. i sounded stupid!" "because i figured you were just starstruck by such a handsome man," oh Tom, always so conceded. "oh really? you were so full of yourself! 'you did great out there!' 'i know!'" i quoted from the day we met. "i wasn't! i just- it doesn't matter... we're here now.." he said, giving me a kiss. "okay Tommy." "I was only like that because i liked you..." As if that made any sense. "that was the first thing i said to you, besides my name! you didn't like me yet." I told him. "yes! i thought you were cute!" Cute? Plenty of those girls at the show that night were hot, maybe even a few were sexy, but i was "cute" and he decides to be with ME? the "cute" girl? now, how does that work out? "you did?" "of course i did!" he said, kissing my neck and soon moving down to my shoulder. "i love you," He told me. "c'mon!" he took my hand and pulled me off the couch. "Tom, where are we going?" i asked, following him. "bedroom, peaches!" he said.

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