
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Check and Mate

I was on my way to the dressing room after the show when Jeff pulled me aside. "Hey, do you have a second?" He asked me. Streams of sweat rolled down his face, his hair sticking to his forehead. "Is this serious?" i started to worry, Jeff rarely speaks to me. "I've been hearing things.. and i just wanted to check on you. is everything okay?" Jeff's been hearing things about me? who could be talking about me? I bet it's Cheyenne.. She has been sour towards me ever since i called her a bitch for bragging about her engagement ring. "what do you mean? who's saying shit about me?" Jeff looked around, checking the scene for witnesses. He pulled me closer and whispered "i shouldn't be telling you this.. but Fred has said a few things.." i felt the heat escape the surface as his skin. "What does Fred know! don't listen to him!" i yelled. Jeff continued to whisper "i'm guessing things are a bit shakey between you two right now, eh?" I denied it "no, everything is wonderful, actually." He looked confused. "what's going on?" He asked me. "something just happened. no big deal." I didn't feel comfortable being below the metal stairs-that lead up to the stage-alone with jeff breathing on my face. "that's not what he said." i didn't want to know what Fred has been saying behind my back, and i didn't care either. "i know. just- whatever you do, don't listen to a word he says. whatever shit he is talking- it's not true." with that, i backed away from Jeff and continued towards the dressing room.
Eric was blow drying the sweat out of his blonde hair. He was bent over, running a comb through his hair. "hey Eric, where did everyone go?" He turned off the blow dryer and started teasing his hair. "around. i don't know where they run off to after a show. how about you go look for them." what did i do to make Eric hate me? "Have you seen Cheyenne?" i asked him. "she didn't come tonight." "why not?" he rolled his eyes at me "fuck- i dont know!" "are you sure?" i asked him. "kayla, i really dont know, nor do i care where everyone is." Eric sprayed his hair with hairspray. "damn. what's your problem?!" i said before walking out.

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