
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

❈There’s Too Much Blood In My Caffeine System ❈

tom tells me that his mother is trying to ruin our engagement.. look- i ONLY broke her fucking clock! you know, it was on the wall behind the fucking front door! when you open that door, your gonna hit that clock! i just so happened to be the first person to do that... and brake it.. and it wasn't even that nice of a clock! it was only custom made in Germany.. if that's why she hates me, I'm screwed. if its something like "oh! some woman is taking away my son! I'm not ready for this! *weep " then i think i can fix that. all i would have to do is talk to her, right? so i made a decision to talk to her during dinner.. which, did NOT go as well as i planned. toms mother is... well, prissy, bitchy, the typicall stuck up, know it all, thinks shes better than everyone else type of person. she insisted on making dinner with out any help. so when she called everyone in for dinner, she made sure that me and tom didn't sit next to each other. may i make sure this is clear... WE ARE IN MINE AND TOMS HOUSE! her, her husband, and her daughter broke into our house to surprise us when we came home from Hawaii. she insists on staying with us until our wedding. so there we are, picking seats at the dinner table. tom sits down in the middle of the right side of the table, and i grab the chair next to him. his mom comes up and says "no. no. no. i think you would be more comfortable over there." she points to the seat across from tom with a fork. "but i was kin-" "don't argue young lady." i looked over to tom. he didn't say anything, not that i didn't understand why. i took my hand off the chair and walked around the table and sat in between Georgeanna and her father. tom's mother sat in the chair next to him. i have not practiced or even thought about what i was going to say, but i knew i had to say SOMETHING. so i thought i would start off by asking tom about his day. "soo tom, how was work?" he looked up from his plate "eh, same ol' same ol'." i tryed harder. "so it didn't go very good?" he laughed "nah, it was actually pretty good. we cut the guitars for a song, played some pool and made a plan for tomorrow." i nodded my head "cool". his mother watched me like a fucking hawk! i felt awkward.. and my mind went blank. i couldn't think of anything else to say. instead i just pushed food around on my plate. "its very disrespectful to play with your food. exspecially when i spent hours making it for you." his mother said. i looked over to tom, who was drinking out of his soda can. "right.." i put my fork on the plate. "I'm not very hungry.. i-uh actually had a big lunch.." Georgena noticed my engagement ring. she picked up my hand and ran her fingers along the diamond "is this the ring!?" she asked me. i looked over to tom's mother. she watched. "uhh-yeah! its beautiful, isn't it!" "gorgeous!" she put my hand down and said to tom "you did a better job than i thought!" he set his can back down on the table and nodded his head. i think tom is annoyed by his family being here. i don't blame him. ( thought of this wail i was starring out my window. i saw a hobo carrying a box full of crumbled up newspaper, and somehow this popped into my head..)

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