
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

❈ Once Upon A... ❈

http://www.modcloth.com/store/ModCloth/Womens/Dresses/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=facebook_20-24&utm_content=facebook_baklava&utm_campaign=facebook_segment&mkwid=9cTxXgVy&pcrid= The BEST vintage clothing website i have came across! this summer, this place is going to be DANGEROUS!
Eric has been talking about this girl that he met at the scout bar for a few weeks now. if i remember correctly, her name is Cheyenne. i try to ignore him talking about her as much as i can. its really annoying to hear nothing but things about some girl out of eric. Tom told eric that he wanted to meet this Cheyenne girl. At first eric was excited, but as it grew closer to the day, he grew more nervous. it was obvioiuse. eric would try to pospone the meeting by saying things like "i have a dentist opoitment on friday.. we cant do it!" and tom would come back with "cancel it. you knew we had plans this friday. we are going to meet your girlfriend, weather you like it or not." soon enough, friday arrived. i wasnt too excited to meet this girl. i barley knew eric. i would say i have only known for a month at the most. i didnt know if he was the type of guy who played girls, was just in it for the sex, or he actually was in it for the relationship. i had no clue! but it couldnt be that great of a relationship. they met at a bar, got drunk and had sex all in the same night. the very same night in which they met for the first time! but, who am i to judge. been there, done that. she could be a sweet girl who just got a little out of hand. or a slut that obviously didnt get far enough. in my head, i pictured cheyenne to be a tall, tan dark haired model from some forgien country. i thought that type of girl would look cute with eric. I mean- most rock starts DO date models.. i imagined her to be prissy with an attitude. maybe irish or german. a girl who was able to hold down her beer. possably with a weak accent. when Cheyenne walked threw the door, i saw the oppisate. her blonde hair layed against her pale skin. she didnt look she has hit the 5'5 mark on a tape measure. she stood in the doorway with her skin tight pants and leather boots. her makeup was dark but polished. she slouched as she stood. her posture lacked in her back. seeing her stand next to eric was comical. eric being just about a foot taller than her made it seem like she was shorter than she really was. too busy judging her apperance and not paying enough attension to relize that anyone was talking, tom nudged me with his elbow "kayla, this is cheyenne. say hi." "huh?" i snapped out of it and said "oh, hey. im kayla. tom's girlfreind. its nice to meet you. should be great to have a girl around here for once." trying my best to be polite, because thats how much of a good person i am. when she spoke, i relized that she didnt have an accent. her voice was deeper than i thought it would be. her laugh echoed through the room. it was loud and sometimes contained a few snorts. some would call it obnoxious, but it reminded me of my grandmothers laugh, her's also being very loud. it sounded like she didnt hold back when she laughs. she lets it all out. a real hearty type of laugh.

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