
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Monday, March 7, 2011

❈ Desk Sex ❈

Some of the bands that work for the label were schedualed by ray to attend a meeting held by his nephew drew. we werent told what the subject of the meeting was. i had the feeling that it may be bad when tom told me that I had to come along..im not part of the band. im his WIFE! i dont work for the company either. i just show up in the studio every now and again to bring tom his lunch or pick him when he has late nights, or keep him company when he's working alone. we walked into this room with white and brown stripped wallpaper. there was a chalk board hanging on the wall in the frount of the room. a few feet away is where nine rows of desks began. it looked like a classroom, but full of heavy metal freaks. who im guessing to be drew, was standing behind a little desk that he pulled aside for himself. we sat in the very back, closest to the door. we sat like children in our wood desks watching to door to see what kind of person would walk in next. hoping that maybe some of our freinds would be in the same class. as the classroom started to fill up the room got louder. fred was showing off his new boots to jeff. eric was sitting in the desk across from me, carving "FUCK" in the desk with a broken paperclip. tom layed his head on the desk and rested. i sat there, in my seat and waited for whatever was gonna happen, to end. the man behind the small desk up frount stepped over to the chalkboard and introduced himself. "my name is drew perma. ray, the man who owns your company, is my uncle. i work as a counsolar for children, teenagers, and adults. i specilaize in marriage, social and mental counsaling. ray has asked me to tell all of you, some important aspects of everyday life. i know that all you are in "big bad" rock n roll bands. you all make tons of money, get alot of chicks, probly do a lot of drugs. the typicall rock star. am i right?" everyone in the room starred at this red headed boy with frekels that stood before us. he didnt look older than 25. his tie was loose, his shirt was'nt tucked in and he wore nikes... this is a waste of time. ive known ray to be PRETTY stupid.. but i think this tops it. we dont need counsaling.. we dont need to be told what we are doing wrong in life. im not doing ANYTHING wrong! drew picked up a peice of chalk and spoke to us as he wrote on the board. "first off. let me tell you about-" "why the fuck is ray having us do this?!" a guy sitting across the room said. drew stopped writing and walked over to him. "because apparntly, all of you have problems" i raised my hand. its not polite to shout out.. i learned THAT MUCH from school. drew looked in my direction. "yes ms?" "is MRS. and i dont see why WE are here? we dont have as big of problems as some of the other bands that come through here. and if your suppost to be "teaching" us, then does that mean we are gonna have to come to this hell hole more than today? cuz i sw-" eric kicked my chair. drew laughed "calm down.. we are just gonna do an activity, and i hope all of you will learn something and apply this to your everyday life.." "right..." drew finished writting on the board. he backed away from the board and explained what he had wrote. "im going to blow up this beach ball. on this beach ball is words, emotions, anything you can think of! im going to TOSS this ball to someone. when they catch it, look on where your LEFT thumb is. i want you to then describe a time that you felt that way. got it?" drew tossed a pink beach ball to a guy in the frount row. he sat there, with the beach ball in his hands, starring at drew. "your not for real... are you?" drew looked where his thumb was. "oooo good one! you got angry. now tell us of a time you were angry!" he guy gave drew a straight face. it looked like he was amazed at how stupid drew was! drew is related to ray.. it cant be THAT suprising.. "well, your pissing me off right now! i dont want to do this shit!" he threw the ball across the room. it hit some other guy in the face and bounced off on freds desk. fred picked it up "WOO! my turn! ooo! i got silly! i always feel silly!" everyone in the room starred at fred. "okay.. a time when i felt silly.. hmmm.. OOO! i got a good one! there was this one time-" eric took the ball away from fred. "hey! give it back eric! wait your turn!" eric looked at the ball and didnt hesitate to pop it with the paperclip. fred gasped. "ERIC!" eric threw the deflated ball on my desk. "there!" drew's face dropped. "i-uhh.. lets move on to the next activity then!" the class moaned and whined. i set my feet on the legs of toms chair infrount of me. i bounced my legs up and down so that it moved his desk. he didnt lift up his head. i shook harder, watching tom go up and down in his seat. "kayla, stop dry humping the desk!" eric said. "im not humping the desk! im shaking tom! look at his jacket move! i mean- there is a differnce!" "not for you there isnt.." "VERY FUNNY!"

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