
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

❈ Pretty Please? ❈

, Cyndi asked me to film In the summer of 1985 i was living with my aunt Cyndi in Saratoga Springs, New York. Cyndi Barnes worked as a entertainment reporter for the local news station. She agreed to let me live in her small one story, two bedroom, brick house as long as i work as an intern for her station. it was my job to do things like pick up a tray of coffee's from the shoppe across the street, charge the batteries in the camera's, and restock the brekfast table. Carson, who films Cyndi on locationae was fired this morning. To avoid stress and wasting time, the cinderella concert at the SPAC. She bribed me with the obvious- backstage passes, money, and favor's. I rolled the camera as Cyndi stood infrount of the bands dressing room enterance. "tonight, at the SPAC, cinderella will be preforming. cinderella has been known to provide a spectacular stage show! their show tonight starts at 8:30 pm. im Cyndi Barnes of 11 news and i will continue with updates on tonight's cinderella show." i stopped the camera and handed it to her. "am i done now?" she turned off her microphone and took out her ear peice. "for now. we go live in a few hours." the dressingroom door opened and a tall, dark, curly haired fellow dressed in leather pants and a blue silk shirt walked out. he accidently hit my aunt with he door as he was opening it. "oh, im sorry ma'm." i didnt know who this man was, but his apperance blew my mind! i have never seen anything like him- only in magizines or on t.v. "excuse me, are you tom keifer?" Cyndi asked. He looked down at the microphone and camera that she was holding. "tom keifer? no, ive never heard of him." Cyndi saw past his lie. "if i can just get one interview with-" tom interupted her "look- im sorry. but im not giving any interviews tonight." "but i am Cyndi-" "i dont care who you are, or who you work for. im sorry. excuse me, im busy." he walked passed my aunt and continued down the hall. "can you belive him? i hate celebrites!" i was growing more curious about this tom keifer character. "i can get you that interview!" i said before i could even think it through. "what? kayla, your only an intern!" "i know! but i can do this. just- i got this, i promise!" before she gave me permission, i was off. i ran down the hall in my mini skirt and stiletto heels looking for tom. i saw tom walk into a room. i slowed down to catch my breath. this would be a good time to come up with a plan. i could go in there, go up to tom and DEMAND an interview! i could put on a big cheesy smile and ask nicely, maybe throw in a pretty please if i needed to. or i could go with my last resort, begging! i was pacing up and down the hallway, to scared to go in and talk to him. i tried to build up some courage. "you can do this! you got this! do this for your aunt! if she gets this interview, she could get a promotion! what are you freaking out about?! tom is just a normal guy, he is just like the rest of them!" i decided to just do it! i will walk in, and there is no turning back. i took a deep breath and entered the room. a heavy mist covered me as soon as i entered. the room was humid and made me sweat. my eyes were irritated and could only make out this figure in frount of me. "tom? are you in here?"my eyes were slowly staring to get use to the mist. i felt someone grab my hand. "tom? is that you?" my eyes now had full vision. i relized that i was in a shower room. the mist was hot water evaporating from the line of running showers. i watched as tom kissed my neck and pulled me closer. this is a better way to get an interview than asking him "pretty please".

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