
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Monday, March 21, 2011

❈ Rock Paper Scissors ❈

i was sitting inbetween freddie and tom on the couch near the big window on the bus. eric had a bowl of popcorn on his lap that he was sharing with jeff. "yo eric!" freddie said. "what?" eric tried to say with a mouthfull of popcorn. "can you get me a poptart? pretty please!" freddie blinked his eyes exsessivly. eric starred at him "what? no way, man!" freddie hit the arm of the couch. "come on eric! you got your fat ass up to make yourself popcorn! be a pal and get me a poptart!" eric threw a handful of popcorn in fred's direction. most of it landed in his frizzy hair. fred shook out his hair "prick!" the tainted popcorn landed on the floor. "hey, you gonna pick that up, fred?" tom said, pointing to the pile of popcorn on the floor. "no! eric will after he gets me my poptart!" eric set the bowl of popcorn on jeffs lap "oh my fuckin god! lazy son of a bitch!" he got up from his seat and reached into the cabnit above his head. fred laughed "aww phank chu errrriic!" eric took down a box of poptarts and looked inside. "this is the last one." he informed fred. "damn! well, hand it over!" eric took the poptart out of the box. "hey! what if i wanted it.." i said, not really caring weather i got the last poptart or not. just for the entertainment of seeing fred complain. he starred at me "kayla....dont EVEN joke around like that!" tom laughed "come on fred, let her have the damn poptart!" fred tried reaching for the poptart in erics hand, but eric had already pulled it away. "rock paper scissors for it" he said. fred looked at me "what? no! its my poptart! now hand it over!" eric shook his head "you have to be fair fred!" jeff laughed "doesnt it come with two?" fred starred "so?" "well, just share it..." kindergardeners shared better than we did. sharing didnt exsist to us. "share?! i dont think so!" i held out my hand. "come on freddie, its not THAT bad.." eric stood infrount of us "okay! on its gonna go like this, on the count of three, shoot! okay? the classic 1,2,3 shoot!" freddie slowly held out his hand. "okay, 1" freddie watched my hand. "2" i watched his hand just as carefully. "3!" at that moment, me and freddie quickly dealt out our choises. freddie had paper, and i had rock. freddie lifted up his arms and yelled "boya!" he tried reaching for the poptart again. eric pulled it away for the second time. "best two out of three..." freddie started to get annoyed "no! i won fair and square! now give me the damn poptart!" i gave up "just let him have the poptart. i didnt really want it anyway, i was just kiddin." eric went back to his seat "you sure?" i nodded my head. eric through the poptart at freddie "there" fred opened the package "YEEESSSSS..." he put the package of poptarts up to his nose "strawberry!"

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