
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

❈Round & Round ❈

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYHx7KnuUFA juan, the frizzy haired bassist, remindes me so much of jeff... the extreame jeff! like- the way they dance is similar, and their hair is frizzy... right? { jeffers } i was the first one to wake up this morning. like every morning, i first ate a bowl of orange slices wail i starred out the window of the moving bus. the last sign i saw said "Sierra Vista". if i remember correctly, i would say that we are in arizona. we played 8 shows in california this week. we are leaving california to go to jacksonville flordia. playing 4 shows there, then driving to seattle. after seattle, i dont know where we go. destinations are so hard to keep track of when your traveling by bus. with airlines, if you are going out of the country they warn you about the different laws and tell you if you have any drugs on you, you better get rid of them QUICK! on the bus, they just tell us what time the bus is leaving and that we better get our ass's on the bus before it leaves! i only know where we are going because robin keeps me updated. she ripped out an article from a magizine that listed all our dates and when we would be in what part of the country. she keeps me informed. i dont feel bad for giving the guys the silent treatment. why should i? i didnt have to tell them that i married robin for them to judge the whole idea! they gave me shit like "you cant love someone if you have only known them for a few months! it takes years!" come on tom, its not the fuckin 50s! that may have been the case 30 years ago, but times are changing. its perfectly okay to run off with your girlfreind and elope in vegas! its a common thing now-a-days. tom is just to old fashioned to notice things like that. "your to young!" another common thing kids do now-a-days is get married before they turn 30! i dont see a problem with that. im 25, and robin is 23. i mean- its not like i knocked her up and im being forced to marry her! im doing it because i love her! sure, when tom said all of this, he wasnt nessasarily pointing it towards me. he was going on about someone named jack and jill. if thats the way he REALLY feels about it, then im as sure as hell not gonna tell him the truth! not until he accepts the fact that there is nothing wrong with it! its his problem! if he wants to know so bad, then he needs to get over the whole "i love lucy" type of family crap! which, i cant stand! lucy is such a cry baby.. if i were rick, i would want to fuckin ship her off to Nova Scotia!

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