
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

❈ Freddie The Biker ❈

"AHH guys, check this out!" fred yelled from around the corner. eric rolled his eyes "what now fred?" cheyenne hooked onto erics arm "eric, why are you in such a crabby mood?" Fred came around the corner with a bike. "really fred? a bike?" tom asked. jeff laughed "hey man! thats mine!" "really?" eric asked. "no!" fred sat on the leather seat. "ooo its like the seat is shaped for my butt! its perfect!" jeff laughed harder "what?" fred pulled the frount of the bike up by the handle bars and made "vroom vroom" noises. cheyenne laughed "freddie! what on earth are you doing?" tom laughed "he's playing!" fred put the frount tire back on the ground "will someone ride with me?" "where are they gonna sit? the handle bars?" i said sarcastically. freds face lit up "perfect! get on the handle bars!" jeff held his chest in laughing agony. "noooo. i am NOT sitting up there!" "why not?" first, i thought of how it was possiable to get up there in these heels. second, i bet i couldnt keep my balance. id flop off! "just- no!" "come on kayla, get on the bike!" eric said, hopeing to get some entertainment. "i wont let you fall!" fred added. "i dont see how this is funny." fred played with the breaks "come on kayla! it will be fun!" i looked over to tom. tom didnt have anything to say about this. fred caught me looking at tom. "tom! tell her that she can ride!" "i dont know fred.. she could hurt herself" see, even tom knowns im clumsy! im BOUND to fall off! "i wont let her fall! ill be real careful. ill go slow, not make sharp turns, and i wont brake hard!" tom thought "well i guess.." "tom!" if this was a few days ago, i would have been the first one to volonteer to sit on freddie's handlebars. now i dont want anything to do with him! "what? im sure fred wont bump you off just to see you break your neck!" fred smiled "of course not!" eric pushed me to the bike "just get on the damn bike, hard headed woman!" cheyenne laughed. i know eric jokes alot, but he can be a real pain in the ass! i looked at the bike. not knowing how to get on. "i have 1 problem.. how do i get on this thing?" fred laughed "just step on this bar and jump up." i looked at the thin metal bar "i dont think i can.." fred grabbed my waist "then we can do this. on the count of 2 jump." "why 2?" "its something different- just do it" "im gonna laugh if he misses! just like-picks her up and tryies to get her on the bike real quick, and he drops her a little to far to the left!" eric said. "shut up, eric! your gonna jinx it!" i yelled back. "2!" "hey! but-" before i knew it i was sitting on the handle bars. "oh...." he laughed "told ya it would work." "yeah, hes done this before" eric added. fred put his feet on the peddles. "okay! here we go!" "oh my god.." tom laughed "you will live!" "oh do you re-" before i could finish talking fred sped away. "oh my god!" i grabbed ahold of freds hands on the handle bars. he laughed "keep your balance, wouldnt want you to fall" "you WANT me to fall! thats your plan! you planted this bike there so you could kill me!" he laughed harder "relax! i dont want to kill you!" he pulled the breaks and the bike slid. i slid forward, just catching myself short of falling on freds lap. "I SWEAR TO FUCKIN GOD FRED!!" he laughed, liking the tourture he was causing me. "NOT FUNNY!" this only made him laugh harder. "relax!" i held on to his hands tighter. "see, isnt this fun!" "oh, tons!" i said sarcastically. we started moving again. the boyish smile on freds face made me laugh. "see, you ARE having fun!" a little part of me HATED this! i told myself that i would hate freddie, and never have ANYTHING to do with him EVER again! but the other little part was enjoying this.

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