
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Running Against the Wind


Signs that your relationship is a complete and total failure.

1) substance abuse- over consumption of addictive substances such as drugs or alcohol.

2) extreme feelings of jealousy

3) violent behavior- either verbal or physical

4) stress caused by factors such as work, money issues, family, etc.

5) persons who's goal is to sabotage or make the relationship more difficult for the couple out of revenge or jealousy.

This article seems to be somewhat accurate, based on the relationship that i have with Tom.

My relationship with tom has experienced every one of those factors. From Tom coming home stupid drunk at midnight, my jealousy towards Emily for winning the affection of Mrs. Keifer, Tom's history of resulting in physical actions after fights with previous girlfriends, working for a record deal that supplies tom with endless amounts of stress because four gigs a week and his current day job is hardly enough money to keep us fed with a roof over our heads- to the threats and exchange of multiple blows to the head as Emily and i fought over Tom on Halloween.

Is it just me, or does our relationship sound like a failure?

tom and i love each other, and i have forgave him for every mistake that he as made because i feel that fighting with him is a waste of time. sure, Tom can do some dumb things- but, what man hasn't?

"What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." This can either be bullshit that Tom said to make me realize that what we have been through will somehow result in a better relationship, due to understanding of each others reasons of action; or it can be a line that Tom ripped off a John hughes movie.

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