
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Owl that cried "Whoo"

I feel like Tom was more upset by the fact that i made a dent in his Jaguar by throwing a rock at the hood, than himself striking me across the face with his hand. This would be the second time that Tom has layed his hand on me. The first- back in 1986 when Cinderella was touring for Night Songs- was caused over the fact that Tom believed that i was "flirting" with Eric's bass tech, Kurt. Cinderella was preforming Shelter Me onstage at the pavilion in Detroit, Michigan when Tom happened to glance over to the far left of the stage. There, he saw me speaking to Kurt; for the record, I'd like to say that we were only chatting. Cheyenne and i were not speaking each other at the time, due to some ridiculous argument we had the previous day. Tom soon jumped to the conclusion that i was "putting the moves" on Kurt. Tom then broke off the chorus of Shelter Me and scuffed off the stage in the middle of a show. Tom pulled Kurt by the collar of his shirt and threw him against a nearby wall. I forget exactly what Tom was yelling to Kurt. But i assume it was along the lines of "Back off!" followed by more hurtful words, I'm sure. Cinderella remained onstage for a few moments after Tom created a scene back stage. Eric and Jeff were the first to Run off stage and check on the situation. Tom didn't realize they were watching and started to yell at me. "You whore!" he would scream as The sweat rolled off his face. I tried to explain to him that i was only trying to hold a conversation with Kurt, and flirting was the farthest action i had in mind. Of course, Tom didn't take my word for it. Tom always thinks himself as honest, never listening to me in times likes this. Fred had spent a few moments alone onstage, trying to entertain the audience with a drum solo. Once he was out of ideas, he came running backstage to see what the problem was. Right then, Fred saw Tom strike my cheek with the back of his hand. Back then, Fred and i were closer than just best friends. The Night Songs tour was the first taste any of us had with being on the road and having nothing to do other than have some fun. Fred and i really took advantage of it. That was the moment that Fred stepped in and pulled Tom away. Eric and Jeff somehow created an argument and before i knew it, they started throwing fists at each other. Soon, they were rolling around the floor. Fred was yelling at Tom for striking me. Fred and Tom were in a fight in no time at all.
That night happened to be the last show Cinderella played on their tour. Ray had called off the remaining shows to consul the band.
This time around, Fred didn't budge in whatsoever. I honestly didn't expect him to with the way things were happening between us. Fred has a new girlfriend, a french model named Nadia. I'm sure that i am the least person he would be worried about at the moment. Instead of consoling me like he would have done two years ago, he stormed out of the house yelling "This bullshit drama!" Everyone was brought together at Cheyenne and Eric's home for the reason that Eric had news to share. Cheyenne and Eric were engaged. At first, i was upset that my best friend, Cheyenne, failed to tell me first. I brought up the point that she was the first to know that i was engaged to Tom. Or when i was divorcing Tom and getting back together. In either case, i shared everything with Cheyenne- i kept no part of my life a secret from her. No matter how scandalise the situation i was involved in. The points i was bringing up, only made Tom pissy. When i brought up divorce, Tom had had enough. "Thank you for bringing up the divorce.." He said, walking out of the house. I followed him to the car, where he only locked himself inside and ignored me. I didn't understand what Tom's problem was. What i said was the truth. I'm not gonna hide what happened! If Tom is ashamed by it, then he has a problem. What happened, happened. I'm no one to hide the past. If that was even what he was angry about. It didn't take long before i started to grow frustrated with the fact that Tom was ignoring me. All i wanted to do was talk to him to figure out what was wrong! To show that i meant business, i chucked a small rock at the hood of the Jaguar. That's when Tom got out of the car and started yelling. "What the fuck did you do to my car?!" He yelled, checking out the dent in the hood. "Tom, it's only a small rock. it's a dent! you can just buff it out. not a big deal!" i refused to yell. "That dent is huge!" Tom was blowing it out of proportion. "That shows you to be a bitch.." is what i said that earned me the slap across the face. After that, i instantly ran back into the house to be comforted by my friends. I felt guilty for taking the attention away from Cheyenne and Eric. They were engaged- something that no one believed would happen after their wedding disaster. I should have shown more support towards them. Instead, i was too busy crying and throwing a fit because Tom had slapped me.

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