
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

❈ A Thing or Two ❈

I heard the frount door open and close, followed by footsteps. shit! toms home! i quickly shoved everything on the bed and threw the blanket over it. i ran out of the bed room to catch tom in the hall. "tom!" i said exhausted and out of breathe. he starred at me "kayla, are you okay?" "ppshhh! im FINE! never better" i gave him a fake smile and a hand gesture. he didnt look like he was buying it. he walked past me and reached for the bedroom door. i ran infrount of him, blocking the door. "TOM!" i covered the door with my body and spread my arms across the walls. "kayla... you sure your okay??" sweat rolled from my forehead to my lip. "its just.. i think that.. we should stay out here." he looked around then back to me "your kidding, right?" i shook my head "no, of course not." he laughed "look, if there is something your hiding, then- just move!" he tried to push me out of the way, but i stood my ground. "kayla! come on!" "NO!" "what has gotton into you?" he stopped trying to push me. "nothing..." i started to get nervous. he gave up "fine! i wont take a shower than!" i would rather have a skanky tom than ruin his suprise. he walked into the living room and layed down on the couch. he yelled to me "kayla! will you at least get me my guitar!" "fine!" i went into the room and locked the door behind me. i grabbed his guitar off the stand and fixed the blanket on the bed. i handed him his guitar "here you are."

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