
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

❈ safe pole ❈

I was having an interview with a reporter in the studio. "well, something special happend with me and tom the other night.." when eric had to put in his two-cents. "yeah, that's happend!" the way i was putting it, it sounded like i was talking about me and tommy having sex. sex being "something special" that people usually have at "night". this was an interview, and i really didnt want eric saying those kind of things on camera. for 1) THAT "something special" was not sex. tommy proposed to me last night. i wasnt gonna tell the world so fast. 2) the world doesnt need to know about mine and toms sex life. 3) i just didnt like the comment. eric laughed and whispered something to jeff. i asked the man standing next to me with a sound boom pole if he could please lower it. he did as i asked. the reporter looked at me funny and asked "is there a problem?" i took the microphone off the pole and chucked it at eric. it slammed up against his cheek. he turned to me with an evil glare. the room got quiet and i got out of my chair and RAN! eric chased after me. i had to do some quick thinking. i was running in heels in a studio, dodging people and expesnive equipment. i grabbed ahold of a pole and yelled "i got the safe pole!" eric stopped and looked at me like "what the fuck". "i got it!" i repeated. "kayla... this is NOT tag! that pole cant protect you." i was sticking by my plan. "you cant hit a girl!" he looked around to see if anyone was watching. no one was. "real mature! im not gonna hit you!" "then what?" he thought for a moment. probly thinking of some kind of tourtureous accounter. i was hopeing it would be sexuall. eric is quite the looker, and i wouldnt pretend i didnt like it. he said to me "you at least have to reach half way up the pole to be safe." i looked up at the mountainous pole. it was keeping the ceiling above the floor. "eric... im not gonna climb up this pole.. LOOK AT IT!" he laughed "yeah, i see it." he started counting back "5, 4" "eric! w-what are you doing!" "3" "ERIC!" "2" "FINE!" i grabbed ahold of the pole and tried to pull myself up. i failed and eric laughed. "this is funny?" "YES! why, yes it is" ill admitt, im ditzy and can be a bit scatterbrained at times.. but thats what has got me here. exspecially trying to climb up the safe pole for no reason, other than eric told me to. i tried again and slipped. eric stopped me "okay okay, you cant do it." "i can to!! ill prove it to you!" "kayla, dont hurt yourself.." i took a strong grip of the pole and tried to climb up. i only got up 2 inches before i slid back down. "HMPH!" eric shook his head "wow..." i stepped away from the pole and looked over to the reporter. he was helping the camera guy reattach the microphone to the rod. eric said "you know, that hurt." he rubbed his cheek. "im sorry. you just CANT say that infrount of a camera! i think you would know that, mr. brittingham" he let go of his face and said "well i dont think it heard me!" i thought about it... the boom pole WAS only a foot away from me.. it couldnt hear eric from across the room. "WELL! YOU KNOW WHAT!" he laughed "what?" i didnt think twise. i just hauled ass back to my chair. "im ready to continue the interview." i said to the reporter. he looked at the boom box guy and then back to me "i think we have enough.. thank you for your time." he gathered up his notes and camera. "w-what? what did i do?" "nothing, i just think we have enough for our story.." i didnt feel like aruging with the poor guy. "o-okay.. " so my interview was ruined and i figured out i cant climb up a pole..WHAT A DAY!

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