
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Monday, February 28, 2011

❈ So Does Your Face ❈

tom and eric were sitting at the piano attempting to put out some ideas for the new record. i sat on the couch flipping threw the channels on our television. eric was suggesting some song titles, and tom was yelling at him "no! no! no! eric, listen to me!" after 7 hours of this, they were beggining to get frustrated. "well what the fuck tom! i dont see YOU coming up with shit!" "eric, your being an idiot!" "well so is your face!" eric yelled. tom looked at him with a baffled exspression painted on his face. "what?" "so does your face!" tom was getting aggrivated "eric! what the fuck! stop being so immature, and pull your head out of your ass!" "so does your face!" everthing tom said, eric would come back "and so does your face!" soon enough, tom threw the stack of papers on the piano on the floor "get the fuck out, eric! your pissing me off!" "your face pisses me off, tom!" eric stormed out of our house. tom looked at me and asked "what was that?" i shrugged my shoulders and turned off the t.v. "you know, i bet he just wanted to piss you off so you can kick him out.." tom picked up the papers and put them back on the piano "asshole..ill do this myself!" he sat back at the piano and began to play. {my english teacher seriously did this with a kid in my class..he stood at the board and after everything that poor kid said he would reply "so does your face!" when a teacher steeps down the same level as a 16 year immature boy, its pretty fucking funny! so, hence the inspiration for this little story :D }

Saturday, February 26, 2011

❈ In From The Outside ❈



Day 13! day number 13 with out cheyenne... my plans for getting her back: 0 i have no clue how i could get her back.. i think we have split apart enough times, to where i have tired everything! i dont see how being with nikki sixx is so much better than being with me anyway! hes a fucking idiot! hes such a rude ass! if thats what cheyenne wants, then why isnt she with me! tom thinks that everything is MY fault.. you know, it takes 2! okay! tom is a fucking idiot! i dont know how he manages to not fight with kayla and then get married! i deserve it more! i work harder in my relationship! being with a bitch is hard work!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

❈ Shake Your Money Maker ❈

"what exactly IS a money maker? you know? whatever it is, when elmore's singing to this woman, i wanna see it to. so i thought it was a pretty good way for people to meet the black crowes" ~chris robinson
At 2:19 in the afternoon, a nurse peaked her head in the door "mrs. keifer, your husband has checked you out. your clothes are on the chair." she shut the door. im being released tommorow, and they still have me wearing this damn hospital dress! really? they let me go out every now and again, but i cant keep my clothes on.. what is that about? I met tom at the desk. im pretty sure i looked like hell. they havnt given me a shower since ive been here, they never told tom to bring me any sort of toothbrush, i didnt have any make up nor a brush. i felt bad for tom, he had to look at me! i asked "where are we going?" he gave me his jacket "its windy outside.." i put on the jacket and we walked out of the hospital. wail driving down the highway i asked again "where are we going, tom?" he changed lanes "i just wanted to get you out of there.." i starred out my window. it was awkwardly quiet. i felt like i could still hear the beeping noise from the heart machine! i layed my head against the window. "sooo... " tom said. i ignored him. not only did i not feel like talking, but i didnt know what to say. i have been feeling pretty awkward around tom latley.. i dont know if its the fact that i feel guilty or that i feel like im loosing him. the other night, wail starring at the tiles on the ceiling, i found myself thinking about that story fred told me about prince fredicus and princesess ditzemia. not only did i relize that ditzemia sounded like a disease, but i relized that story was about US! me and fred... thats when i remembered the part where fredicous shouted up to the princess in the castle "ditzemia! i love you!" if fred loves me... i have bigger problems then feeling awkward around tom! i relized that tom was the evil worlock, and eric was the fairy...... kayla coury? kayla keifer! i GOTTA stop thinking about fred. im going to make a deal with myself... when i go a month with out thinking of fred in a "good" way, i will reward myself. IF i do happen to catch myself thinking of fred, i will slap myself in the face. imagine how stupid i would look if i started thinking about fred in a georcery store... just randomly slapping myself at the check out counter...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

❈ Story Time ❈

fred: so, once upon a time, in a magical kingdom far far away, there lived the greatest prince warrior GOD named Prince Fredicus. All the women loved him. But he only had eyes for ONE! Princess....princess ditzemia! now, she was the most beauitifly eligable lady wife all around! and Fredicus KNEW he had to have her! He went to her castle, shouting "OI DITEMIA!!I LOVE YOU!!!" and she loved him too! so they had a huge, fantastic wedding, and even invited her exs so they could bathe in jelaousy.so they were happy. OR SO THEY THOUGHT!!! the evil witch warlock tomm....athon...ly was JELAOUS of their perfect life together! so he plooted an evil plan to destroy their love!thats what frdicus thought too! BUT HE WAS TOO LATE!!! Ditzemia was.....DEAD!!!Tommathonly has destoryed her with his evil black magic!And there was nothing Fredicus could do!So he sat there, crying over his lost love when ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!A MAGIC FAIRY CALLED.... uh......Erica took out her magic wand and brought Ditzemia BACK!Her and Fredicus hugged and they mocved into his castle that had a cable TV. And they lived happily ever after

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

❈The More They Stay The Same ❈

{ TOM }
as i am going threw all these damn packets the nurses insisted on giving me, i cant help but think about what is going on in surgery. i imagine doctors in blue scrubs and white masks poking at my wifes brain with scaples and toothpicks! everytime i hear footsteps, i look to see if its the doctor coming around the corner to tell me that i can see kayla. everytime i hear the sound of rushing wheels and running, i look around the corner to see if they are rushing kayla on a gerni to another urgent life-or-death surgery. my legs are shaking, and im tapping the pen on the clipboard. i cant stand this! im axious to hear some good news! im worried that if the news comes, it may be horriable.. maybe coffee will calm me down... or keep me awake?

❈ The More Things Change ❈

I saw my surroudings in a daze. the door looked like a blury enterance to the heavens and the radiance comming from above seemed like the beams that were going to pick me up and escourt me to nirvana. my head felt weightless. my eyes started focusing. as heaven was turning into a hospital, the gears in my brain were turning, and i started to distinguish tom's voice, i couldnt figure out what i was doing in a hospital. i took in observance of my surroundings. i saw vases of flowers and stuffed characters sitting on the floor of my room. the balloons were tied to my bed post. tom was asleep in the chair next to my IV post. i listened to the beeping of the machine as poked at the wires that were going threw my arms. i knew what happend, to a point. i turned on the windsheild wippers as i whipped a tear from my cheek. the way i saw things, was that no matter what i do, im going to end up hurting someone i care about. there is no winning when your in "love". this is a recent discovery. the words that were said the other night kept running threw my mind. the entire incident with fred has been a total malediction! Everything he's done has offically made me delirious! i cant help but feel affection towards him.. not to mension his endowment in magnetism. i enjoy the fornication. i tell myself that i NEED to get over fred! i HAVE TO! i HAVE TO! i HAVE TO! everyone has told me that it is wrong.. and im starting to belive them. no matter how much my body aches for fred, i have to overlook those urges. i have once conquered those urges and aches, but i cant overlook the emotional connection i feel with fred. what has me coming back for more, is his personality. fred is always so chipper and delightful! he makes me smile and laugh! he doesnt deserve a person like me.. he deserves MORE! before i knew it, i was sobbing. i was upset that i had let myself encourage fred to fool around with me. i was selfish! im so discusted with myself! thats when it hit me... im not even thinking about TOM! not about how i feel towards him! but how bad i feel for loving fred! i closed my eyes to soothe the arid agent. in literally a blink of an eye, the car ran off the curb and into a feild. my bewilderment compressed my ability to react. instead of turning the wheel or slamming down the breaks, i sat there and watched as my car ran into a tree. tom woke up and ran to my side. he took my hand as a tear ran down his cheek. he reached out his hand to my head. i saw his hand on my head, but i couldnt feel it. so i to touched my head. i noticed my head was wrapped in some sort of cast. both me and tom were speachless. the whole insident seemed searreal.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

❈ Lime Green Jello ❈

I noticed eric out by the water drinking a beer and laying in the sand alone. i wasnt sure about approching him.. if something was wrong, i didnt want him to take all his anger out on me. im engaged to tom, and im in the most unbelivable mood! i dont want grumpy ol' eric bringing me down. then again, i couldnt live with myself if i left a desperate freind in need. i tapped him on the shoulder. he looked at me and said "well look who it is." now i thought that it had something to do with me. "are you okay?" he looked out to the ocean "im just peachy." i sat down in the sand. "eric, i know you enough to know thats bullshit" he laughed "you think?" i wanted to give up on him, but i COUDLNT! "eric.. i know that your upset about SOMETHING! so can you just tell me?" he looked at his beer and swirled around what was left in the bottle. "its nothing." "eric..." "look-its nothing. its just... cheyenne.. and.. then you and tom-and me and cheyenne ARNT! and... you know!" i didnt know what to say. i knew what he meant, and i cant belive that i didnt think of that on my own. "its nothing to worry about.." he threw his bottle in the water. "eric...no, i understand.. i didnt even think of that. its okay.." he starred at the sand. "i just.. i feel bad. im older than tom! i was with cheyenne before you and tom! i swore i thought that i was gonna get married before tom. TO CHEYENNE! but... shits not working out." i had a hard time thinking of what to say to him. i didnt know if what i had to say would hurt him, or make him feel better. so i decited not to say anything at all. he kept going "hearing tom talk about how much he loves you, and how excited he is about this weeding, and how nervous he is and how he thinks he's gonna embarass himself or fuck up! its not fair! THENN he tries to get me to bring SOME GIRL to the damn wedding! i cant do that! cheyennes gonna see us! i know she has nikki... but that doesnt matter.." i stayed silent. i was kinda hopeing he would stop talking so i can run back home. "im sorry.. this is YOUR wedding. YOUR happy. blah blah blah" he moves his hair out of his face and tucks it behind his ears. "im sorry eric.. i really am." "its not a problem..." i got up and whipped the sand off my clothes. "dont tell tom about this.. okay?" i looked down at eric. "yeah... dont worry about it. secrets safe with me, brother." he laughed "cya" i left the beach and went inside my house.

❈ A Thing or Two ❈

I heard the frount door open and close, followed by footsteps. shit! toms home! i quickly shoved everything on the bed and threw the blanket over it. i ran out of the bed room to catch tom in the hall. "tom!" i said exhausted and out of breathe. he starred at me "kayla, are you okay?" "ppshhh! im FINE! never better" i gave him a fake smile and a hand gesture. he didnt look like he was buying it. he walked past me and reached for the bedroom door. i ran infrount of him, blocking the door. "TOM!" i covered the door with my body and spread my arms across the walls. "kayla... you sure your okay??" sweat rolled from my forehead to my lip. "its just.. i think that.. we should stay out here." he looked around then back to me "your kidding, right?" i shook my head "no, of course not." he laughed "look, if there is something your hiding, then- just move!" he tried to push me out of the way, but i stood my ground. "kayla! come on!" "NO!" "what has gotton into you?" he stopped trying to push me. "nothing..." i started to get nervous. he gave up "fine! i wont take a shower than!" i would rather have a skanky tom than ruin his suprise. he walked into the living room and layed down on the couch. he yelled to me "kayla! will you at least get me my guitar!" "fine!" i went into the room and locked the door behind me. i grabbed his guitar off the stand and fixed the blanket on the bed. i handed him his guitar "here you are."

❈ safe pole ❈

I was having an interview with a reporter in the studio. "well, something special happend with me and tom the other night.." when eric had to put in his two-cents. "yeah, that's happend!" the way i was putting it, it sounded like i was talking about me and tommy having sex. sex being "something special" that people usually have at "night". this was an interview, and i really didnt want eric saying those kind of things on camera. for 1) THAT "something special" was not sex. tommy proposed to me last night. i wasnt gonna tell the world so fast. 2) the world doesnt need to know about mine and toms sex life. 3) i just didnt like the comment. eric laughed and whispered something to jeff. i asked the man standing next to me with a sound boom pole if he could please lower it. he did as i asked. the reporter looked at me funny and asked "is there a problem?" i took the microphone off the pole and chucked it at eric. it slammed up against his cheek. he turned to me with an evil glare. the room got quiet and i got out of my chair and RAN! eric chased after me. i had to do some quick thinking. i was running in heels in a studio, dodging people and expesnive equipment. i grabbed ahold of a pole and yelled "i got the safe pole!" eric stopped and looked at me like "what the fuck". "i got it!" i repeated. "kayla... this is NOT tag! that pole cant protect you." i was sticking by my plan. "you cant hit a girl!" he looked around to see if anyone was watching. no one was. "real mature! im not gonna hit you!" "then what?" he thought for a moment. probly thinking of some kind of tourtureous accounter. i was hopeing it would be sexuall. eric is quite the looker, and i wouldnt pretend i didnt like it. he said to me "you at least have to reach half way up the pole to be safe." i looked up at the mountainous pole. it was keeping the ceiling above the floor. "eric... im not gonna climb up this pole.. LOOK AT IT!" he laughed "yeah, i see it." he started counting back "5, 4" "eric! w-what are you doing!" "3" "ERIC!" "2" "FINE!" i grabbed ahold of the pole and tried to pull myself up. i failed and eric laughed. "this is funny?" "YES! why, yes it is" ill admitt, im ditzy and can be a bit scatterbrained at times.. but thats what has got me here. exspecially trying to climb up the safe pole for no reason, other than eric told me to. i tried again and slipped. eric stopped me "okay okay, you cant do it." "i can to!! ill prove it to you!" "kayla, dont hurt yourself.." i took a strong grip of the pole and tried to climb up. i only got up 2 inches before i slid back down. "HMPH!" eric shook his head "wow..." i stepped away from the pole and looked over to the reporter. he was helping the camera guy reattach the microphone to the rod. eric said "you know, that hurt." he rubbed his cheek. "im sorry. you just CANT say that infrount of a camera! i think you would know that, mr. brittingham" he let go of his face and said "well i dont think it heard me!" i thought about it... the boom pole WAS only a foot away from me.. it couldnt hear eric from across the room. "WELL! YOU KNOW WHAT!" he laughed "what?" i didnt think twise. i just hauled ass back to my chair. "im ready to continue the interview." i said to the reporter. he looked at the boom box guy and then back to me "i think we have enough.. thank you for your time." he gathered up his notes and camera. "w-what? what did i do?" "nothing, i just think we have enough for our story.." i didnt feel like aruging with the poor guy. "o-okay.. " so my interview was ruined and i figured out i cant climb up a pole..WHAT A DAY!