
A combination of vigorous musicians and ignorant ladies bound together to bring forth an adventerous story based on imagination.

Monday, July 11, 2011


( I finally have my hands on a computer, but i do not have my drafts with me at the moment. i figured i would write off the top of my head.)

I spent my days alone at the Holiday Inn hotel playing back the moment i got home from Florida. Was cheating on Tom with Steven Tyler really worth it? In just four months Tom and I would be celebrating our first anniversary being married. i really fucked that up, didn't i? we couldn't even last a YEAR! i'm surprised we even lasted this long, after what happened with Fred a few months back.
I realized wail taking Helo out of the cardboard soda box, that i had stuffed her in when leaving the house, that i didn't think to bring Puck with me to the hotel. Was it okay for me to go back to the house to check-up on Puck? I'm sure that i am the last person that Tom wants to see right now. But, Puck is my dog too! Tom bought Puck for ME because he fucked up on our first valentines day we spent together. I have every right to see Puck! If Tom really wants to keep Puck, there is no way i'm letting him take my dog!
As i walked up the stone pathway to the house, Tom was locking the door and putting the keys back into his pocket. Fuck- Tom must be leaving to the studio. I ran up to the door to catch him before he could leave. "Tom!" i said, getting to the porch. He starred at me and said "what are you doing here?" "I wanna see Puck.." i told him, nervous as to what he would say. "no." not as bad as i thought it would be. "come on, tom. he's my dog!" "Puck is MINE." he argued. "no he isnt! you bought him for ME!" "leave, now." he told me, pointing away from the house. "not until i see puck..." Thunder started clapping as rain started pouring from the sky. "kayla, you need to leave." He told me again. "tom...its raining.." Rain bounced off the roof and poured out of the gutters. "you dont expect me to invite you in, do you?" "i dont expect you to do anything.." i told him, crossing my arms infrount of my chest, trying to keep warm. "come in..." He unlocked the door and let me inside. really? did tom just let me inside the house? Puck came running towards me as i took a seat on the couch. "Hey Puck, hows it going boy? did you miss me? aww i missed you too Puck! i wuv youu!" i said, scratching his favorite place behind his ears. "soo.." i said to Tom, feeling awkward. "Talk to Puck not me." ouch. Why is Tom being so mean? "tom... i'm really sorry.."

i wanted him to know that i felt sincerely sorry for what i had done. i had explained to him how i made the biggest mistake of my life and i felt horrid for hurting him like i did. i didn't expect him to forgive me, let alone take me back. but, he did. "well, i do miss you..." "awww.. you really missed me? i miss you too tommy.." and i thought we were really over... "i'll call you, okay?" he said, putting on his jacket and opening the door. "right.." i stepped onto the porch, watching the rain flood the lawn. "kayla?" Tom said. "yeah?" Tom suddenly pulled me close, wrapping his arms around my body and pressing his lips against mine. Was this really happening? I'm back with Tom, just like that?
After making-out with Tom on the pouch in the rain, i went back to the hotel to pack my things back into the car. Tom wants me to move back into the house. Our house.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I Call Dibs

"I tried to watch the movie, but i got bored and started thinking about bacon and maple syrup." Eric explained to Cheyenne after our date. "oooo i love bacon and maple syrup!" i said. man, the last time i ate bacon and maple syrup was at my grandparents house back in 1976. "bacon and syrup is amazing..." tom agreed. "guys!" Cheyenne whined. i ignored her "we have to get some bacon, babe!" i said to Tom. "sorry for bringing it up.." Eric apologized. "no one wants to be mushy.." Cheyenne mumbled. mushy? this is the last time i agree to see a romantic comedy with Cheyenne. "bacon gets mushy if it sits in syrup long enough." Tom was still fantasizing about bacon. "i like the nice floppy, fatty bacon, you know?" i said back to tom. "i'll get mushy with you baby!" eric said, kissing up to Cheyenne. "that is the BEST bacon!" tom agreed with me. "you're all obsessed with bacon!" Cheyenne yelled, finally fed-up. "tommy... bacon and syrup gives me an idea.." i said. "oh yeah?" tom said, licking his lips.maple syrup, chocolate syrup- same thing. except-choclate syrup wasn't sticky or as thick as maple syrup. "yeah! do we have any chocolate syrup at home?" i asked tom. i didnt know if tom thinks about sex as much as i do... but, i think about sex all the damn time. "i dont-" tom started to say. Cheyenne interrupted before he could finish "you are so weird!" there was no way that cheyenne could know what i was thinking about. i mean- she freaked out when eric fingered her! "what are you talking about, cheyenne? maybe i wanted an ice cream sundae, hmm?" i said to her. "whats going on?" eric asked. "i think they are talking about chocolate blow jobs." okay, maybe cheyenne did know what i was talking about. "what?" eric had the most confused look on his face. "like- you put chocolate on the dick and suck it off." Cheyenne felt it was necessary to explain. "i know what it is, i meant-why are you talking about chocolate blow jobs?!" eric made me laugh. so clueless.. "doesn't seem like a bad idea." cheyenne said. i swear-if cheyenne steals my idea, i think i may stick a fork up her ass! "defiantly not!" oh, of course tom wouldn't think it was a bad idea. good.. "are we doing it?" tom asked, with a smile. "well, i asked if we had any chocolate syrup at home and i never got an awnser." "even if we don't..." oh my, tommy. "we will see, baby." i told him. "dont even think about it, eric!" Cheyenne said to eric, who had stopped listening to the conversation after his previous comment."what am i not thinking about?" he asked. "syrup oral." you know, i bet eric and cheyenne have sex only two or three times a month. poor eric. "why not?" cheyenne didn't awnser eric's question. i've listened to their bickering all night, and i dont want to hear anymore. "tommy, we need to go home-now." i said, pulling on the sleeve of Tom's jacket. "anxious, aren't we?" he said, still thinking about the blow job that i promised him for later. tom, i didn't mean "hey, let's leave so i can give you that blow job i promised because-you know, im SO excited to be giving YOU such sexual pleasure instead of receiving some in return." not like i was THAT horny. well, no more than usual. "i didnt mean it like THAT, tom." he smiled and said "of course not, darling." "aroused?" i asked, joking. "mmhmm:" tom said, kissing me. "for real? i was kidding.." oh, tommy. "....warn me next time.." "are you for real?" "maybe..." i couldn't hold in my laugh. "baaaabbee!" Tom whined. "its cold.." Cheyenne nagged to eric- as if he could do something to make it warmer. "make her shut up!" tom yelled to eric. "what did she do wrong?" eric defended cheyenne. "trying to be mushy... the movie was bad enough!" "you didnt watch the movie." i added. tom and i made out while cheyenne watched the movie and eric dozed off, thinking about syrup and bacon.
"the four of us should go camping!" okay- what made cheyenne think that i would want to spend my time in the middle of nowhere with her and eric? "the day tom camps is the day pigs fly." eric said. "whats wrong with it?" cheyenne asked tom. "everything!" tom replied, throwing up his hands for emphasis. "you wouldnt go camping for me, baby?" i asked, as if i actually wanted to go camping with Cheyenne and Eric. "baby, camping involves dirt." "so?" Tom amuses me to no end.. "whats the big deal? its only dirt. tommy, you take a shower and its all gone." "taaaa-daahhh!" eric said. "tommy, if you dont go camping then i wont do the syrup thing." i teased him. i know that there is no way i was going camping, but i enjoying hearing tom's excuses. "fine..." "really?" okay- i defiantly wasn't thinking that he would give in that easily. "this better be a good blow job..." he told me. i have never met anyone who can talk about sex as openly as tom... the fact that his friend was listening to him speak didn't seem to effect him. "better make this a good blowjob, we are all couting on you." cheyenne added. "you guys have nothing to worry about." i said. "good!" tom said with a smile.
Eric and Cheyenne ditched us to drive to a hill to make out- what are they, 17? "that was really strange..." i said to tom on the drive home. "what was?" he asked. "that! cheyenne and eric were pissy during dinner. then ignored each other through half the movie. i say a few words to her in the bathroom and then she becomes happy and wants to be friends!" i know that i was upset when tom came home drunk on Friday night. i didnt blame cheyenne for being mad at eric. i thought- the least i can do is apologize on tom's behalf for encouraging eric to drink. "that was sweet of you, peaches." tom said to me. "for what? apologizing for you?" "for being a good friend to her." "im not her Friend! not until she apologizes!" cheyenne hated me first.. and i wasnt gonna sit around and allow her to be rude. "apologize for what, pumpkin?" i love when tom calls me by little dorky pet names.. "being a bitch.." "kay, you were a bitch to her also.."
when we got to the apartment, tom started searching for a bottle of chocolate syrup in the pantry. "any luck?" i asked. "...we have honey.." "ewwww. i dont like honey. are you sure we dont have syrup?" i'm quite picky... "found some!" tom said with a smile. "boy, arnt you lucky." "i would make you use honey.." tom said, unzipping his jeans. "thats so mean!" "it would be mean to me if you didnt go threw with this." he said. "would it? i mean- what if this was shell? it would be funny if i put it- oh, i would laugh SO hard!" i said, trying not to laugh. "... i wouldn't be laughing.." i let out my laugh "your right, im sorry baby. come here." "so... how are we doing this?" he asked while walking towards me. "what do you mean?" tom laughed "nevermind, just begin.." "wait, how do you THINK i'm going to do this?" i asked, curious as to what tom thought i was doing. "i'm not entirley sure..." "this is a first for you, tommy?" i asked. "... i have never had a woman put choclate syrup on my dick before, no." "hmmmm. well, maybe we shouldnt do this." i teased. tom quickly caught on. "dont tease me like that!" "awh, why not? i quite enjoy it." i said, shaking the syrup bottle.
i was almost asleep when i heard tom say "baaaabbe..." i didnt open my eyes when i replied "yes?" "i love you..." he told me. "i love you too." tom cuddled up to me and said "you're skilled..." i laughed "skilled?" "yesss!!!" "so, you liked it?" i asked, already knowing the awnser. "no. i hated it. DUHHH, i liked it, kayla!" "thats good" i said, starting to drift towards sleep. "it's fantastic..."